Page:The Newspaper and the Historian.djvu/591

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A 'Beckett, A . W ., on dramatic critics,

Acorn (Burr Oak ,Mich .), 48.

146 ; editorials and, 262, 348, 353 n ., 354 , 360, 360 n ., 368 - 369, 450, 451; bibliography of, 332 n .; slow growth of, 332 – 333; of newspapers them selves, 333 -335, 363 n ., 364 n .; circu lation and, 334, 362 n ., 363, 373 n .; commercial, 335- 338, 358, 372– 373 ; charitable and relief, 338 - 340, 373; honest, 341- 342, 360 n ., 364 - 371,

Acta Diurna, 2, 3 n .; forged transcripts

450 ; collective , 342, 348, 349, 374 n .,

322– 323 ; criticism of himself, 324 n . ; jointauthor, articles by, cited , 472 n.; works by, cited , 234 n ., 242 n ., 264 n ., 38 8 n .

Aberdeen, Lord , 278 n . Aboukir , sinking of, 393 n . Academy, review in , 316 n .

from , 412- 413, 414 n . Acta Senatus, 2 .

Acton, Lord, Catholic press and , 19, 20; letter to The Times, 57 n .; Abbot Gasquet on , 254; on book reviews, 312, 312 n .

Adam , H . P ., ed., work by, cited , 382 n . Adam , Madame, 25 ; Stephens's biog

raphy of, cited , 26 n .; her policy of revanche, 285 .

Adams, Henry , note by, quoted , 309 n . Adams, John Quincy , Monroe Doctrine and , 423 n . Adams, S . H ., on the newspaper, 259. Adamson, Fire Commissioner, on public officials and press, 359. n . Addison , 103, 104 , 487; mottoes selected by, 46 n .; Spectators and Freeholders of, 107; on news-writers , 141 - 142;

patrons and , 263; Stephen on, 285 ; on caricaturas, 388 n . Adirondack Tourist, emblem of, 51. Adolphus, Gustavus, war correspond ence from army of, 196 n . Advance , 48.

Advertisements, 11, Chap . XIII; patent

medicines, xli - xlii, 95 , 95 n ., 96 , 335, 359 n ., 371 n ., 373 n ., 487 ; historian and , xli-xlii, 335, 361- 363, 364 - 365, 367, 368, 371 - 375 ; appeal to past made in , 32, 336 – 337 , 342; rates of, 43, 81; newspaper mottoes and, 45; liquor, 57, 86 , 365 n ., 451, 484 ; press guarantees of, 82, 364, 365, 450- 451; church, 83, 92, 92 n ., 94 , 352- 353; financial, 83, 358 - 359 ; gov ernment, 87, 89, 90, 340 – 343, 373

489; of states and cities, 343- 344 ; of industrial disputes, 344 -345, 480 ; " safety, " 345 - 346; controversial, 346 - 348 ; social habits and, 346 , 357, 358, 359, 472– 475; political, 348 – 352, 359, 450 ; libel and, 349 n ., 351; for health , 353 ; for good will, 353 - 354 , 368 ; origin of the use of the word , 354 n .; announcements conveyed by , 354 - 357; of art, 357; high cost of

living and , 358 ; crime combated by, 359; welfare work and, 359; recognized importance of, 360 – 361; De Weese on , 361 n .; Dwight on , 361; Godkin on , 362 n .; Dibblee on , 362 n .; Villard on , 362 n .; proprietary , banned , 365 n . ;

Holyoake on , 370 , competitive, 372– 373 ; in foreign languages , 374 ; Johnson on, 375; illustrations in , 376 , 377- 378, 379, 384, 394 n ., 403 -404, 478 -479 ; suppression of news and , 434 ; serial, 438 ; specialized , 475 ; Easter, 477; as historical material, 478 - 484 ; in time of war, 481- 483; prohibition , 484 ; propaganda in , 484;

of the Spectator , 487 ; disprove Ameri cans are superficial, 488 - 489. See also Newspaper as a business enter prise.

Advertiser , Boston, Holmes' “ Old Iron sides " in , 106 .

Advertising Men 's League, 365. Advocate, 48 . Aegis, 47. Affiches, used in Brussels during war, Afghan War, first, 407 . Africa , South. See South Africa .

374 ; quack doctors, 95, 336 , 359 n . ; educational institutions, 101; plate

Afro -American press. See negro press .

service does not carry , 134 ; readyprint service carries, 134 ; of books in syndicated newspapers, 135; effect of, on book reviews, 135 , 303 n ., 308-311 , 450 ; advertisers careless in running,

Agitator, 48. Ajax, ship , 423. A . L . A . Booklist, Pearson on, 310 n . Albert, Charles, defended by Italian press ,