Page:The Newspaper and the Historian.djvu/593

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Arrow , 48. art news, 11.

Atkinson , R . H . M . B . & Jackson , G . A ., work by, cited , 292 n .

article de fond . See Leading article.

Atkinson ,Wilmer,Autobiography, cited ,

Ashley, Evelyn, 188.

371 n ., 373 n .

Ashley, W . B ., comp., work by, cited , 92 n . ; 353 n .

Asquith , H . H ., 56.

Associated Advertising Clubs of the World , conventions of, 352, 367 n .; Wilson addressed meeting of, 361 n.;

honest advertising promoted


367 n .

Associated College Newspaper Pub lishers, voted to ban liquor and proprietary advertisements, 365 n . Associated Press, 12, 43, 45, 80, 130 ; syncopated words charged to, 108 n .; articles on , cited , 108 n ., 120 n ., 122 n ., 123 n ., 124 n ., 125 n .; Press Associ ation of England corresponds to , 118; development of, 119– 120 ; annual reports of, 120 n . ; charges against,

Atlanta Constitution , Uncle Remus' songs in , 106 . Atlantic Monthly, anonymous article in , on Associated Press, cited , 123 n ; Stone's letter to , 123 n ., 124 n .; Perry on editor of, 268 n .; Howells on , 280- 281; article in Contributors' Club, cited , 309 n . Atlantis, 47. Atlas, 47. “ Attack -All Review , The,” 50 . Audit Bureau of Circulations, 82 n ., 333, 363.

Aulard, F . V . A ., criticism book by, 303 n . “ Aunt Voss, ” 50 . Aurora, 263.

of Taine's

Australia , minimum wage for journal

as a capitalistic press , 122– 123; as suppressing news, 123- 125; as supply .

ists in , 97; newspapers in , 487. Australian Journalists' Association , 97. Austria , official reporting used in , 175;

ing partisan or sensational news, 125 ;

war photographs in , 396 n .; press in ,

precautions taken by, 126 ; La Follette and, 126 ; suit with Inter-

440. Authenticity ofnewspapers, Chap. XV ; historian and, 412, 416 , 421. See also Forgery ; Hoax. .

121 - 125 ; as a monopoly , 121 - 122;

national News Service , 131; severed

connections with Swedish Telegram Bureau , 133 ; Palmer , war correspond

ent of,

205 n .;

royal interview

obtained by , 234 .

Association of American Advertisers, 81 n .

Association of Foreign Press Cor respondents in the United States , date of formation of, 191.

Authoritativeness , Chap . XVI; histor ian and , xxxviii -xliii, 38 – 39, 425 , 428 –

429 , 445, 448, 451- 452, 467; Scott James on, 30 - 31; partly determined by personality of press, Chap. II , passim ; general limitations on , 86 , 449, 451 -452, 489 - 490 ; desire for

party favor and , 89 - 90 ; effect of mutual relation of Church and press on, 93 -95; effect of inter- relation of

Association to Resist English Dom ination of American Commerce, 347, 350 n .

press and other activities on , 113 ;

Assyrian expedition, sent out by Daily Telegraph, 13 .

of early parliamentary reports, 162,

Athenaeum , 47; early activities of, 12– 13; anecdote of American printer in , 15 n . ; started by Buckingham , 21 n.; on character of the Globe, 28 n .; clientele of, 50 ; on sale of newspapers during Franco -Prussian War, 208 ; MSS. altered by editor of, 280 n .; Coburn connected with , 292; book reviews in , 307- 308, 316 n .; review of Vizetelly 's book in , 313 n .; on London Gazette, 370 n . Athenian Gazette, The, history of, 59-60 . Athenian Mercury, The, 59, 274 n . Athenian Oracle, The , 59 , 59 n ., 274 n . Athens, news in , 2 .

Atkins, J . B ., on personal advertising , 224 n .; Life of Russell, cited , 197 n ., 20 n., COI n., 2O3 nu, 223 n ., 224 n , 225 n ., 231 n .

growing demand of public for, 139 ;

164 - 165, 166 ; verbatim accounts and, 174 ; of special correspondence , 183– 186 ; of interview , 242, 244, 248 ; in time of war, 441- 444; tradition im pairs , 445 ; educational systems and ,

445-446 ; speed requirements and, 446 ; unquestioned acceptance of news impairs, 446 - 447; various opinions

on , 447, 448; general statements and , 447; guarantees of, 448 - 449 ; special correspondent limits , 450 ; advertisers limit, 450 -451; business considera tions limit , 451; efforts of press to

secure, 452-456 ; headline and, 456 ; of special papers, 456 - 457; plans to secure greater, 457 -466 ; summary , 466- 467; difference between accuracy and , 469. See also Guarantee of probability ; N