Page:The Newspaper and the Historian.djvu/595

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�INDEX Beverland, Adrian, 413 n . Bewick , 386 n . Bickley, A . C ., ed ., work by, cited, 414 n . Biglow Papers, 381 ; contributed first to press, 106 .

Billany, H . H . & Rudolph, C . A ., work by, cited , 23 n. Billings, Josh , 61. Birch , Thomas, newspaper printed by, 414 n .

Bird , T . A ., article by, cited, 18 n . Biré, E ., on the “ loi Tinguy,” 68 n .

Bleyer, W . G ., quoted, 32; on the head line, 109, 110 ; work by, cited , 123 n ., 124 n .

Blizzard , 47. Bloomer, Amelia , woman editor, 25 n .

Bloomer, D . C., biography by, cited , 25 n .

Blowitz , Henri Stephan de, Memoirs of, cited , 213 n . ; Münster's interview with , 236 ; quoted , 425; his plan for training journalists , 459.

Blum , André, article by, cited , 398 n .

Biro , Michael, 474 n .

Bluysen, Paul, work by , cited , 49 n .

Bishop, J. B ., on The Nation , 50 -51;

Boardman, Mabel T., interview attri

work by, cited, 400 n .

Bismarck, his low opinion of journal ists, 72, 261- 262; special correspond ents and, 185 ; PallMall Gazette and , 187 – 188 ; interview concerning, 236 ; Busch on , 381 n .; illustration of death bed of, 395 n . ; in caricature, 401, 409 ; Puck 's cartoons of, 408 ; Kladdera datsch and , 409 . Bissing, Baron von , prepared interviews

buted to, 238 n .

Bodkin , M . M ’D ., on editorial “ we,” 277 n .

Boers, correspondents influence Eng land against, 189. Boer War, army newspapers in , 25; war correspondents in , 225, 226 ; cen sorship in , 225 ; Kaiser 's military plans for conduct of, 237; editors during, 267; Ralph 's illustrations of, 402 n . See also South Africa .

of, 240 .

Bit and Spur, 48.

Bohemia , town criers in , 8 .

ment of, quoted , 358 n . Black Cat, 47

Bohemian , articles on college journalism in , 24 n .

Black, J . & Rodgers, C ., work by, cited ,

“ Boiler -plate" service, 133- 134, 135.

56 n ., 265 n ., 307 n . Black , William , book reviews not read

Boissier, Gaston , on ancient newspapers, 2 ; articles by, 2 n .

Bolton, C . K ., work by, cited, 341 n .

by , 311.

Blackburn , H ., on illustration , 377 n .; on first weather chart, 384 n .; on Tribune, 392 n .

Blackwell, Henry

B., The Woman's

Journal under, 25 n .

Blackwood , John , George Eliot's letter to , quoted , 311 .

Blackwood, Thomas, Murray 's letter to , quoted , 296 .

Blackwood , William , Watts ' corre spondence with , 116 ; Oliphant's work on , cited , 116 n .; owners and, 264; letter of, 311. Blackwood' s Magazine, nickname of, 50 ; on signed articles in American maga zines, 70– 71; harsh criticisms in , 298 ; Murray and , 298 n . ; circulation of, 298 n . ; Firmilian reviewed in , 313 n .

reviews of Peter 's Letters in , 313 n . Blaine, James G ., cartoon of, 387 n .; Roosevelt and, 391 n . Blathwayt, Raymond, interview intro duced by, 233 n .; work by, cited , 233 n ., 234 n ., 246 n .; on interviews, Bleackley, H ., Life of Wilkes, cited , 167 n .

Blennerhassett, Sir Roland on Napoleon III as a correspondent, 188.

Bonwick , James , on Sydney Gazette, 487 . Bookman , article on literary journalist cited, 152 n ., 155 n . Book reviews, II, Chap . XII, passim ; Bliss Perry on , 135, 301 n ., 308 – 309 , 309; in quarterlies, Chap. XII, pas sim , 300 n .; publishers and , 292, 293, 300 , 303 n ., 308 - 311; in daily press , 293, 306 n ., 307 n .; in weeklies, 293– 294 ; in monthlies, 294, 306 n . ; Paisley Magazine on , 294 n . ; reasons

for discrediting, 300 - 303; Bennett on , 301 n .; Johnson on , 301 n .; Gilder sleeve on , 301 n ., 315 n . ; Besant on , 301 n .; Tinsley on , 301 n .; Bagot on , 301 n .; Delane and , 302 n .; Cobbe on , 302 n . ; contemporaneous and later,

303- 304 ; Benson on, 305 n .; O 'Shea on power of, 305 - 306 ; Johnson on famous, 306 ; difference between literary criticism and , 306 ; Lynd on , 306 , 318; N . Y . Times on , 306 n.; Pearson on , 306 n . ; Athenaeum and, 307- 308, 316 n .; Whitman on, 307 n .; Maurice on , 307 n . ; Saturday Review and , 308 , 316 n .; in The Nation , 309 n . ; Thompson on , 309 - 310 ; Acton on , 312 n .; rhymed , 313; Martineau on , 314 n . ; signed or unsigned , 315