Page:The Newspaper and the Historian.djvu/598

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Thomas, on Hoe press in

Europe, 15 n .; on the headline, 109 ;

on the press, 255; Jerrold and , 281;

Chesterton, G . K ., on typography, 52 n .; on Fleet Street journalists , 154.

Chicago, trade journals in , 18 n .; club

as book reviewer, 293 ; on dramatic

formed by advertising men of, 349 n .;

news in eighteenth century , 319; on press theater tickets , 321 n .; on Hingston and dramatic critics, 322. Cave, Edward , 117, 291 n .; Johnson 's

old newspapers in University of, 421 n . Chicago Commerce, Harper, editor of, 18 n .

Chief, 48.

letter to, quoted , 14 ; news-collecting organization begun by, 116 ; parlia -

Chieftain , 48 . Child, Theodore, on news in France dur

mentary reports circulated by, 160

ing Second Empire, 187 ; on altering MSS., 280.

162, 163 n.; Hawkins on, 162 n.; on accuracy of parliamentary reporting, 162 n .; on fallacious advertise ments, 352. See also Gentleman 's Mag azine, The. Censorship , in France under First Em pire, book on , cited , 49 n .; Hearst papers violate , 133; “ unknown to

Hungarian law ," 177; special cor respondence and , 192; Wagneron ,

Chimes, 48.

China, oldest newspaper of, 65; editors in , 271.

Chirol, Valentine, expelled from Ger many, 186. Chisholm , Hugh, article by, cited , 3 n . ; on modern tendency of journalism , 32;

on power of newspaper in France , 37 n .; quoted , 287 ; on German press, 487.

204 n .; Bennett on war correspondents and, 208 n .; war correspondents and,

Choir news, 11.

articles cited , 209 n . ; under Lord

Chorley , Henry Fothergill, cited , 328 n . ; Hewlett on, 328 n .

Wolseley, 211 n .; in Russia , 211 n .; in Germany, 211 n ., 212 n .; war cor

Christian Herald , The, welfare work of,

respondence and, 212, 217 m.; in Bulgaria , 212 n .; Forbes on war correspondence and, 213 n ., 214 n .;

Christian Register, quoted , 20 n . Christian's Armory, The. See Panoplist,

Shepherd on, 217; E . Vizetelly on ,

222 n.; Millard 's opinions of, 222 n .; in Spanish -American War, 222- 223 ; in Boer War, 225; of illustrations , 404 -405; source of errancy in , 455 . See also Freedom of the press ; Regu lation of the press .

Central Hudson Gas and Electric Co ., 355.

Central Press, organized, 117; chapter on , cited , 117 n .; Hunt on , 117;Mac donell on , 117– 118. Century Magazine, interview announced in , 236 .

Cesare, cartoons of, 389 n., 393 n. Cevallos, Don , 65 n .

Chadwick , Mrs. Ellis H ., work by, cited, 279 n .

Chalmers, George, claim made by, 413 414 .

Chamberlin , W . J., work by, cited , 185 n .

Chambers, Robert, on " caddies," 6 - 7 ; article by, cited , 23 n . Champion , 48.

Chancellorsville , battle of, 274 D . Charles I , Cowen on , 360 n .

98 n .


Christian Science Monitor , cited , 132 n., 234 n ., 356 n .

Christian Union, advertisements ex cluded by, 370 . Christian Warrior, 49 .

Christmas Fund for Belgian Children , ... 339 . Chronicle, 19 n ., 48. Church , 49 .

Church , A . J ., article by, cited , 318 n . Church, news, 11 ; advertisements of, 83, 92, 92 n ., 94, 352– 353; press and, 91 -95; English press and, 93 -95 . See also Religious press.

Churchill, Winston Spencer, on war correspondent, 197 n .; on expense of war correspondent, 216 n .

Churchman, The, 91 n . Cicero , as journalist , 2- 3 .

Circulation , daily sale of Daily Mail, 10 n .; increased through prizes, 14 ; increased by inventions, 15 , 16 ; must be considered by historian , 17; increased in times of crisis, 17 ; increased through compulsory educa tion , 17; prepaid , Times- Democrat,

Charles II , 54.

45; newspaper mottoes and , 45;

Charleston Courier, Rhodes on , 471.


Charleston Mercury, Rhodes on , 471.

334 n .; guarantees of, 81, 81 n . ;

Chatham , Lord , Brougham 's article on ,

governmental advertisements and , 87; Tribune on stimulating , 98 n .; advertisements and, 334, 362 D .,


Cherokees, newspapers of, 65.



increase, 62 -63,