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�INDEX Eagle, 47. Eagle Eye, 47.

Eagle-News, Poughkeepsie, cited, 355 n ., 434 n .

Easter,advertisements of, 477 . Eastern Star, 47. Eastman , Max, on editor versus artists, 404 .

Echo, London , 265. Eclipse, 47, 49 .

Edinburgh , Couper's work on press of, cited, 6 n .; Couper on journals of, 446 .

Edinburgh Review , 300 n .; nickname of, 50 ; copies countermanded , 64 -65 ; Brougham , Macaulay, Napier, and ,

281, 282, 283; Scott on, 292; Broug ham 's connection with , 292 ; Sydney Smith founder of, 294 ; Martineau on , 294 – 295 ; Macaulay' s essay on Crok er in , 296 ; under Jeffrey, 297; Smiles on, 297 n .; Murray and , 298 n . ; circulation of, 298 n .;Moore's poems reviewed in , 314 n .; Bulwer on , 437. Edison , Thomas A ., public appreciation of, 356 n . Editorials, 11, 12, Chap. XI; battle of Waterloo and , 28 n .; importance of, 31 - 32, 286 ; article on political, cited , 89 n.; “ religio -philosophical," 92 n.; development of, 249– 251; in early United States , 250 - 251; historian and, 251, 270 , 271, 276 , 470- 471; public opinion and , 252, 270 - 271; Adamson , 259; Porritt on , 259; decline of, 259– 271, 348, 353 n ., 354 , 360 , 360 n .;

Germany, 260 - 261, 268; owners and, 263 - 268 ; Frost on himself as , 265 266 ; Cook on , 266 , 266 n ., 269 n . , Escotton , 266 n .; in France, 268 ; “ sitting," 268 , 268 n .; in Russia , 268 n . ; Couper on , 269 ; past and present,

269, 271;Gifford on, 269 n .; in China, 271; country, 271- 272, 277; Scott on , 273 n . ; policies of, sometimes change, 277- 278 ; MSS. from contributors altered by, 278– 281; Hazlitt on, 280; further troubles of contributors and, 281–283; Dickens on American , 282;

historian and, 283–284; problems of, 284 - 285, 362; Besant on , 302; Poe on publishers and , 310; versus artists, 404. See also Editorials ; Letters to the editor; Personal journalism . Edson , C . L ., book by, cited , 62 n . Education , encouraged by La Prensa, 100 ; and press , 17, 24 n ., 34 , 101- 102.

Edward VII, previous account of coro nation of, published, 150. Edwards, H . S., articles by, cited, 24 n ., 301 n .

Eggleston , G . C ., work by, cited , 105 n . Egypt, war correspondents in , 213 n . Einstein , Lewis, on Khan , 391 n . Eliot, George, on reviewers , 311.

Elizabeth , Empress , Moscow


and, 24 n .

Elizabeth , Queen , I. Disraeli on , 414 n . Elk , 47 .

Ellenborough , Lord, gates “ restored ” by , 407 .

advertisements and, 262, 348, 353 n .,

Elliot, H . R ., article by, cited , 73 n .

354, 360, 360 n ., 368 - 369, 450, 451; in England , France , and Germany, 270 n . , disappearing in country press , 270 n ., changes in , 271 - 276 ; collec tions of, 272, 273– 274, 285- 286, 470 471 ; “ we” used in , 276 – 277; com pared with news, 284, 368 – 369; cari catures classed with , 397; Brisbane on writers of, 445. See also Editors. Editors, Chap . XI; article on country, cited , 21 n .; " versus the proprietor,"

Ellsworth , W . W ., article by, cited ,

article cited , 22 n ., 264 n .; women as,

25, 25 n .; personality of papers affected by personality of, 64 ; in official positions, 86 ; reporters' ac counts corrected by , 173 n . ; Amer ican , 251; Carlyle on, 253– 254; social evolution of, 254 - 257, 259 – 261, 436 ; Wattson , 254 - 255 ; Pendleton on , 255 ; imprisoned , 255 - 256 , 268 , 268 n . ; “ Bohemia " and, 256 ; Porritton titles , 256 ; De Tocqueville on , 256–

257; omniscience of, 257 –258, 259, 275 - 276 ; specialists as, 258; decline of, 259– 271; Government and , 259– 261; Massingham

on ,

259 n .; in

236 n .

Elser, F . B ., on fake war news, 209 n . ; on press versions of Zeppelin raid , 211 n .

Eltzbacher , Paul, work by , cited , 130 n . Emblems, newspaper, 51. Emerald , 47.

Emergency Peace Federation , 346 . Emerson , R . W ., Babbitt on , 290 . Emin , Ahmed , work by, cited, 89 n . Empson , W ., articles of Fonblanque praised by, 106 ; on Brougham , 283. Endowed press . See Newspaper, en dowed .

England , dissemination of news in early , 5 - 6 , 7 , 9 , 115 - 118 ; genesis of newspaper in , 9, 115 n . ; Williams' history of journalism in , cited , 9 n . ; article on newspaper of, cited , 13 n .; Pebody's history of journalism in , cited , 14 n .; religious press in , 19- 30 ; rise of radical papers in , 22; politics as controlling interest of press in , 33; power of newspaper in , 37 n .; Mercury , favorite newspaper name in , 50 ;