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Funck -Brentano, F ., on the nouvellistes,

265 ; on Dilke, 307 n .; on Athenaeum , 308 n .; on forgery of London Gazette,

4 , 4 n . ; works by, cited , 5 n ., 116 n . ; quoted , 138. Furniss, Harry, work by, cited , 19 8 ., 388 n .; on apology in American journalism , 60. Fusillade, The, 49.

415 .

Francis, John, biography of, cited , 11 n . Franco -American press .

See Foreign

language press.

Franco-Prussian War, sale of news papers during, 208 ; war correspond ents in , 215 n .; narrative of, in war correspondence of Daily News, 219 n .; von Moltke and London press in , 221; French press in , 441 -442, 443. Frankenberg, T . T . & Harrington , H .

F ., work by, cited , 28 n ., 63 n .

Frankfurter Zeitung, on Wolff Bureau, 132.

Franking, 87.

Franklin , Benjamin , 342; founder of Weekly Pennsylvania Gazette, 80 n .; literary efforts of, 104 ; Bacon 's pic

ture of, 393 n .; Uncle Sam figured as, 401 n .

Franklin , Fabian , exact thinking, collected by, 274 Franklin , Sir John,

on newspapers and 106 ; own editorials n. relief expedition , 12.

Franklin , W . B ., Sherman states press killed , 203. Fraser , James, lawsuits of, 313 n . Fraser 's Magazine, nickname of, 50 ; on

journalism not a fourth estate, 89 ; Maginn's review in , 313 n . Freedom of the press, threatened by subordination to business management, 16– 17; in France, 67-68, 192 n .;

Golignani's Messenger, 415. Galveston Daily News, The, editorials in , 92 n .

Gardiner , A . G ., articles by, cited , 89 n ., 271 n .; own editorials collected by, 274 n .

Garfield , J. A ., letter forged under name of, 418. Garrett, Edmund, on souls of news papers, 73 ; Cook 's work on , cited , 73 n .; on the reporter, 153– 154. Garrick Theater, Walkley excluded from , 324 n . Garrison , Wendell Phillips, on pro spectus of N . Y . Nation , 38 n .

Garrison, William Lloyd, 251; " Jour nalist at Large,” 258 .

Garth , T . R ., article by, cited , 73 n . Gary plan, 102. Gaskell, Mrs., Dickens and , 279. Gasquet, Abbot, work on Acton , cited , 19 n ., 312 n .; on Acton as editor, - 254 . Gaul, dissemination of news in , 3 .

Gaultier , P ., work by, cited, 385 n.; on object of caricature, 397. Gauntlet, 49. Gauss , C ., work by , cited , 237 n .

Constitu -

Gavit, Joseph, on Ulster County Gazette ,

tional guarantees of, 75 ; furthered by toleration of parliamentary reports, 167; Sheridan's speech on, 169; Sherman on , 203; theater managers and , 320. See also Censorship ; Regu lation of press .

421 n . Gavit, J. P ., on Associated Press, 120 n . Gazette, announcement in official Eng

Schopenhauer on,


Freeholder, 107; collection ofmottoes of, 46 n .; quoted , 138, 141- 142. Free Lance, 48 .

Freeman , W . C ., 359 n . Free Press, Detroit, cited , 234 n .

French , G ., 359 n .; report of, quoted , 352 n .

Freytag , Gustav, drama by, 260. Friedenwald , H ., article by, cited , 484 n . Friedmann serum , publicity given , 96 n . Friend , The, army paper, 25 .

Frith , W . P ., work by, cited , 388 n .; Derby Day, cartoon by, 390 n .

Froissart , quoted , 195 ; war correspond ent , 195 . Frontier, 47.

Frost, Thomas , provincial papers, de

lish , 354.

Gazelle, Sydney, Bonwick on , 487. Gazette de France , founded , 10 , 14 .

Gazettes d la main , 4 - 5, 5 n . Gem , 47.

Genealogical column, 11; in Evening Transcript, 80 n .


Gentleman's Magazine, The, prizes of fered by, 14 ; Nichols' book on , cited, 14 n . ; clientele of, 50 ; letters to editor of, 57 n .; founded, 161; parliamentary reports in , 161- 166 , 171; on London

Magazine, 161 n . ; Hutton's article on, cited, 164 n .; literary criticism in , 291 n .; advertisements against, 352;

illustrations in , 376 n .; forged tran scripts in , 412. See also Cave, Ed ward .

George III, Johnson's interview with ,

scription by, 167- 168 ; on himself as

234. George, Lloyd, 56.

editor, 265 - 266 .

George, Prince of Denmark , 381 n .