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5 n .

Outlook , 48; editorials in , cited , 124 n .,

Paul Pry, 25 n .

322 n .; editorials of, republished , 274 n .; contemporary accounts of presidents, collected by, 330 n . Outlook , London , bill proposed by, 227. Overseas News Agency, origin and pur-

Payne, W . M ., article by, cited, 464 n . Peace Conference, press correspondents at, 192, 192 n . Pearl, 47 Pearson , E . L ., on Jeffrey, 298 n .; his opinion of Gifford , 299; on book re view in daily press, 306 n .; on A . L . A . Booklist, 310 n .; on Guiterman , 313. Pebody, Charles, on newspapers offering prizes, 14 n .; on press as political power, 34 ; on Times during Crimean

pose, 132.

Over the Top, 49.

Owl, The, 23; origin , 23 n.; Borthwick on, 23 n .

Oxenford , John, dramatic criticism of, 326 n .

Oxford Gazette, 416 . Packard Motor Car Co . 355 . Page, F . H ., article by, cited , 464 n . Page, W . R ., article by, cited , 393 n . Pahasa pa Quarterly, The, Sitka Times reproduced in , 65 n .

Paine, A . B ., work by, cited , 380 n .; on Santa Claus, 402.

Paisley Magazine, The, on magazines and reviews, 294 n .

Palladium , 48; excerpt from , quoted ,

War, 201- 202.

Peel, Robert, letter to Sterling , quoted , 88; corn laws repealed by, 269. Pelican , 47.

Pelze-Nicol, Santa

Claus developed

from , 402.

Pemberton , Max, director of school of journalism , 460 .

Pendennis , 295, 303 n . Pendleton , John , on the editor, 255 ; quotation cited by, 269 n .

Peninsular War, press in , 221. See also

Pall Mall Gazette , Bismarck and , 187-

Wellington , Duke of. Penn , Irvine G ., work by, cited, 26 n .

188 ; editors and , 267; Arnold on ,

Pennell, J ., article by , cited , 377 n .;

29 n .

427 n .

Palmer, Frederick , war correspondent, 205 n .

Palmer, H . J., article by, cited , 332 n. Palmerston, Lord , 278 n .; dinner parties of, 88 ; misquoted , 173 n . ; secret correspondence with Delane, 188 ; Cook on , 329 ; on The Times, 330 ;

and Suez Canal, 407. Panizzi, Antonio , letter to, 414. Panmure , Lord, his letters to Raglan , 201.

Panoplist, The, its platform , 20. Paper, quality of, vital to preservation , 111, n. “ Paper criers ," in Scotland, 6 – 7 . Paris, article on press of, cited , 187 n .; fire of 1871 in , 380 n . Paris, ship daily reported sunk , 219 n . Parks, R . E ., work by, cited, 26 n . Parliament, reporters in . See Reporters, official.

Parnell, Charles, letter forged under name of, 417.

Partington, Mrs., 62. “ Partly -printed ” newspapers, origin of, 117.

on the rapid reproduction of drawings, 386 n .

Pennsylvania , State Editorial Assn . of, 454 n .

Pennypacker, S. W ., article by, cited , 31 n .

Penny theory , article on , cited , 13 n . People's Review , McCabe on , 22– 23.

Pepper, C . M ., Life of Klopsch , cited , 28 n ., 08 n .

Pepys, Samuel, 318, 324. Percival, Milton , on Craftsman , 33 ; work by, cited, 263 n .

Periodical, as historical material, 38; technical, 463.

Periscope, The, 49. Périvier, A ., work by, cited , 88 n . Perkins, George W ., political advertise ments over signature of, 349 n . ; New York farmers and, 349 - 350 .

Perry, Bliss, on book reviewing, 135, 301 n ., 308 – 309, 309; on an editor of Atlantic Monthly, 268 n . ; on discipline

of tradition , 289; on criticism , 317, 329; on signed and unsigned review , 317 n .; on newspaper responsibility, 467 .

Party journalism , 33 ; declining, go .

Perry , W . S., on comic supplement,410 n .

See also Independent journalism . Pascal, letters of, 107. Pasquinade, 10 . Paston , G ., work by, cited , 478 n . Paterson , J., on The Reporter , 50. Path Finder, 47. Patriot, 47.

Persia , newspaper files destroyed in , 112 n .; work on press of, cited , 112 n .; relief of, 338 .

Personal column, it; name of sender must accompany communications for, 79; in time of war, 481, 482, 483. Personal journalism , 30 , 251- 252.