Page:The Newspaper and the Historian.djvu/629

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Telegram , 48.

special correspondents of, 183; ex

Telegraph , 48 .

pelled correspondents of, 186 ; Napo leon III correspondent for, 188; in Crimean War, 200 - 202, 223 n . ; extract from , sent to King Joseph , 200 n .; Italian press copies Honan 's letters to , 208 n .; Russell's letters to , 224 n ., 407 ; Queen of Greece on , 225; interview in , repudiated, 236 ; its editor invited by Lord Lyndhurst, 255 ; mutual relations of employees of, 255 ; American Civil War and ,

Telegraph, Macon,Ga., 252 n . Telephone, 48.

Tenniel, Sir John , cartoons by, 381, 397 n . Tennyson , quoted , 180; dramas of, €325 .

Texas, immigration to , 343 n . Thackeray , W . M ., 310; quoted , 40 , 404; on critics, 295; excerpt from Pendennis, quoted , 303 n .; work by , cited , 388 n .; contributions to Punch , 390 n . Thayer, J. A ., cited , 371 n .

Theiss, L . E ., article by, cited , 275 n . Thiers, L . A ., Reinach on, 88. Third Avenue Railway Co ., 344. Thirty Years' War, beginnings of news paper during, 9, 115, 195 – 196 . Thomas, E . S ., on distributing news papers, 16 n .

Thomas, F . M ., work by, cited , 118 n ., 217 n .; on news- collecting agencies,

128 ; work by , quoted from , 214 n .; on Forbes, 218 n .

Thomas, Isaiah , 16 n . Thompson , Charles Miner, on book reviews, 309 - 310 ; cited , 310. Thompson , J . P ., on news-collecting in New York , 119; work by , cited , 370 n . Thorndike , Rachel Sherman , ed ., work by, cited , 203 n .

Thorold , A . L ., Life of Labouchere, cited , 363 n ., 417 n . Thorpe, Merle, work by, cited , 362 n ., 454 n . ; on inefficientbusiness manage ment of newspapers, 363 n . ; on coun

try newspaper, 363 n . “ Thunderer, The," 50 , 326 n .

Tidings, 48. Tiger , 47.

Times, The, London, 66, 433 ; origin , 33; Robinson as foreign correspondent of, 33 , 196 n .; Scott-James on , 33 - 34 ; Robertson on , 34; Daily Mail as

inevitable as, 34 ;bibliographyof, 34 n .; “ mirror, guide, or initiator,” 35 n.; nickname of, 50 ; clientele of, 52; prices of, 52; letters to , 57 -58; articles on , cited, 64 n ., 183 n ., 271 n .; translation of Zola 's address in , 67 D . ; Arnold on personality of, 74 ; govern mental advertisements in , 87; cir culation of, 87; funds raised by , during war, 98 n .; Shand on, 99 n .; Kipling's " Recessional” in , 106 ; Reuter recognized by, 118; account of distribution of, cited , 136 n . ; parlia mentary reporters of, 168, 175 - 176 ; Orator Hunt and, 172 n.; parlia mentary debates in , 176 , 176 n .;

257 - 258 ; leading article of, 261, 262,

269; Brodrick and , 266 ; Lord Claren don on, 270 n .; editorials of, reprinted , 273, 274 n . ; Bright on, 277; Greville on , 277 - 278 ; book twice reviewed in , 301 n .; Lady Audley's Secret reviewed in , 305 - 306 ; review of Vizetelly's book in , 313 n .; Oxenford dramatic critic of, 326 n . ; Palmerston on , 330 ; criticised by Queen Victoria , 330 ; advertisements rejected by, 369- 370 ; weather chart in , 384 n .; article in

Lit. Supp . of, cited , 390 n .; social notes in , 392 n . ; article in , on car toons, 398 n ., 399 n ., 400 n .; forged letter in , 417 ; reprints of, 421; Houghton 's letter to , 433 ; Reid on , 439 ; Dicey on , 469.

Times, N . Y ., 48 ; Davis's history of, cited , 10 n .; sense of proportion of, 53 n . ; text of Hough 's decision in , 131 n .; account of Sulzer's address in , 156 ; delay in delivery of cablegrams to , 217 n .; Berlin correspondent of, 240 ; on battle of Cambrai, 274 n .; on

book review , 306 n .; dramatic critic of, barred from theaters, 320; prefers advertisements with news value, 334 n . ; on N . Y . Telephone Co.,356 ;on its own advertisements, 364 n ., 367 n .; advertisements declined by, 365 n . ;

advertisements censored by, 367 n .; pictures of Roosevelt in , 379 n .; distanced by Tribune, 392 n .; Selden correspondent of, 395 n .; History of War in Cartoons, published by, 398 n .; Maverick 's work on , cited , 458 n . Times, The, motto of, 43.

Times -Democrat, prepaid circulation of, _ 45. Times -Union , The, motto of, 43.

Tinguy, Marquis de, “ law of hate," 67 - 68 . Tinkham , J. R ., work by, cited, 373 n . Tinsley, Edward, book -shop of, 301 n . Tinsley , W ., on book reviews, 301 n . Tocqueville, Alexis de, quoted , 1; on slander in American press, 55 ; on American editor, 256 - 257. Tocs