Page:The Newspaper and the Historian.djvu/66

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Brach taken in , Trebnics.Piclan & Dux,allo laid , Beyeren uppon the Weyffenbergh & Stemma folk upon Leutinariſcher Slainer , and Launer hoope that they hall ilrortly be driven from

pallages,char che Paſſage upon Prage is vvholy thence Whatlurther isdone beruvixt cham , uve saken avvay, and this day is coin hecrc in a cer

look for cvery hours to enquire turther thereof

wain Perſon that brings tydinghs unto our Ma.

& it ſcenes none can com trom Prage , becaufe

giftrat, charbecvvix Sonnevveid and Patronic, the paſſages are every where ſhui. where themimic hath lien are found lom cer . caine 1000 dead Bodies , & oa che other side

One of Cealen ,sie 24of November.

there Kung lay allo loin certaine 1090 . dead bodies, vonial is com o palle beruvixt both vve Letters out ofNeurenburghe ofche-20 ofthis Chal ſhortly hcare . pretent, inake niencion , char they had adviſe irom the Borders ofBohemia , that there had Ove of Amberghe,in the vipper .Pallarine, beenca very great Barcel by Prage,bervveen the King & the Duke of Beyeren , & many 1000 . the 17 . 610. Ilainc on both sides ,but that the Duke of Bcye : Herc hath becne a greate crie , that the Dukeren ſhould have any folke with in Prage,is ja of Beyeren Fhould have taken in Praghe, and uncertaine , chere uppoo under the Merchants bearen our King our of the helde,bur is not cervvith in Ncurcuberge are laid many 100 .Florins taine , for the Carle or Sulmsvvrites out of that the Emperour , nor the Duke of Beyeren Waldlaxſen of the im of this preſent, that the have no folke wich in Prage. The cauſe thathere Duke of Beyeren vvas broken up with his camp comes no certainty chcrcon, is this; That all paf. very fu .& marched in al hallco Prage.chough lages are fo beſer, ſo dangerous to travaile , chat they had left rom 100 men which lay in thcire it is to vvondered at, & not cnough to be vurité quarter room houres , which made fires thereof,vvhat rovcing . (poyling and killing is done

in , thar on vvoulde nor have thought but that dayly uppon all vvayes Vppon the Schanſe Prieſts cap is ſtronely the vvhole Armay had layen there itill , buras Ours underltood that they yveregon follovved |builced ,& buy dayly much vvood lime & ftone. they thein preſencly. chough the Beyefens vvordro make bouleschere upon ,and ſo provide them com ro Weiſſenberge bcture but the 8 ofthus felves for the vvhole vvinter. And are not lone

prefeat lave ours leat uppon the Beyerens by lince in the night soo Seuldiers paſſed by Durs force, and foughe che vvhole day roeither , that our ofGulik ,lo che peech gocrh .there meanine on both fides are Maine aboute 8000 men , and houldebe to build a nievv Sch . nrle by Flam , very inany Chould be liure. Our Kine .wich che merſheym , to take avvay the padag : from the

Lord General che Earle of Hohenlo , alſo the Marquis Spinola . vvhole army areryvith in Prage, .& the Dukcof!

imprinted al Amſterdam byGeorgeVeſeler,1..1020.The 2.of Decemember. And arc co be roulde by PectusKeerius, dvvelling in the Calverſtrecte , in che uncertainc time.