Page:The Nizam.djvu/326

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Meer Akbar Alee Khan Bahadoor, Soobehdar of the Deccan, the

said Major James Achilles Kirkpatrick has delivered to his said Highness, a copy of the same in English and Persian, under the seal and signature of the said Major James Achilles Kirkpatrick, and his Highness the Nuwab Asoph Jah Meer Akbar Alee Khan Bahadoor has delivered to the said Major James Achilles Kirkpatrick, another copy, also in Persian and English, bearing his Highness's seal and signature; and the aforesaid Major James Achilles Kirkpatrick has engaged to procure and deliver to his Highness, without delay, a copy of the same, duly ratified by his Excellency the Most Noble the Governor-General in Council, on the receipts of which by his said Highness, the present treaty shall be deemed complete and binding on the Honourable English East India Company, and on his Highness, and the copy of it now delivered to his said Highness the Nuwab Asoph Jah shall be returned. Done at Hyderabad, this 28th day of April, Anno Domini 1804, or 17th day of Mohurrum, Anno Hegiræ 1219.



TREATY between the Honourable EAST INDIA COMPANY and his Highness the SOOBEHDAR of the DECCAN, and his children, heirs, and successors for the further confirmation of friend- ship and unity of interests, concluded through the agency of CHARLES THEOPHILUS METCALFE, Esquire, Resident at the court of his said Highness, by virtue of full powers to that effect vested in him by his Excellency the most Noble Francis MARQUIS OF HASTINGS, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, one of his Britannic Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, Governor-General in Council, appointed by the Honourable the Court of Directors of the said Honourable Company, to direct and control all their affairs in the East Indies, and Commander in Chief of his Majesty's and the Honourable Company's Forces, dated the 12th December, 1822.
Whereas certain forts, rights, and territories have come into