Page:The Odyssey (Butler).djvu/179

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BK. xi.]

how I might question them severally. In the end I deemed that it would be best to draw the keen blade that hung by my sturdy thigh, and keep them from all drinking the blood at once. So they came up one after the other, and each one as I questioned her told me her race and lineage.

235"The first I saw was Tyro. She was daughter to Salmoneus and wife of Cretheus the son of Æolus.[1] She fell in love with the river Enipeus who is much the most beautiful river in the whole world. Once when she was taking a walk by his side as usual, Neptune, disguised as her lover, lay with her at the mouth of the river, and a huge blue wave arched itself like a mountain over them to hide both woman and god, whereon he loosed her virgin girdle and laid her in a deep slumber. When the god had accomplished the deed of love, he took her hand in his own and said, 'Tyro, rejoice in all good will; the embraces of the gods are not fruitless, and you will have fine twins about this time twelve mouths. Take great care of them. I am Neptune, so now go home, but hold your tongue and do not tell any one.'

253"Then he dived under the sea, and she in due course bore Pelias and Neleus, who both of them served Jove with all their might. Pelias was a great breeder of sheep and lived in Iolcus, but the other lived in Pylos. The rest of her children were by Cretheus, namely, Æson, Pheres, and Amythaon, who was a mighty warrior and charioteer.

260"Next to her I saw Antiope, daughter to Asopus, who could boast of having slept in the arms even of Jove himself, and who bore him two sons Amphion and Zethus. These founded Thebes with its seven gates, and built a wall all round it; for strong though they were they could not hold Thebes till they had walled it.

266"Then I saw Alcmena, the wife of Amphitryon, who also bore to Jove indomitable Hercules; and Megara who was daughter to great King Creon, and married the redoubtable son of Amphitryon.

271"I also saw fair Epicaste mother of king Œdipodes whose

  1. Not to be confounded with Æolus king of the winds.