Page:The Old Road to Paradise.djvu/60

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(For Kenneth)

Close upon the window-glass pressed our eager faces—
Hearts and torches all aflare, frame on frame of laces,
Wreathing roses all abloom, Cupids all awing,
Valentines—and valentines! swung along the string,
Lights from out the window-pane glinted on the snow
Once when we bought valentines—how long, how long ago!

Slow we tiptoed in the shop, scarlet-cheeked and shy,
Half-elate, half-afraid to be asked to buy,
Sidling toward the prettiest on their swaying strings,
Laughing at the ugliest, monstrous painted things.
(Still the little thrill of fear—life was strange, you knew—
What if someone sometime sent one of those to you?)

Tense we watched the lagging mail, furtive hearts abeat . . .
Surely it would never come down the endless street!
Surely all the valentines would be gone before
(Out of sight, into sight) it could reach our door.