Page:The Olive Its Culture in Theory and Practice.djvu/48

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with very little trouble the most exact data is obtained for the guidance of the orchardist.

The following tables are intended to show the latitude and degrees of heat required for ripening the olive. In Spain it will be noticed that the temperature averages very high, with the usual result of producing rather too gross an oil.

Elevation. Latitude. Mean
Seville 300 37.20 68
Jaen ―――― 37.45 64
Valencia Seaport 39.20 63
Granada ―――― 37.15 61
Murcia ―――― 37.55 66
Alicante 66 38.20 67
Badajoz ―――― 38.40 63
Barcelona Seaport 41.15 63
Cuidad Real ―――― 39.00 62
Saragossa 613 41.40 60
Palma ―――― 39.30 67
Cadiz Seaport 36.30 66
Madrid 1916 40.30 58

The data from Italy is much more exact, as seen in the following tables on pages 41 and 42. These may be constructed for any locality in California by first ascertaining the mean temperature each month and multiplying it by the number of days in said month. It will be noticed that the temperature of San Jose very nearly approaches that of Florence.