Page:The Oregon Printing Association.djvu/6

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succeed T'Vault and the paper of April 16 came out under his direction. But his career, too, was brief. At a meeting August 1, 1846 , the officers of the association drew up long resolutions condemning Lee's editorial policy and giving notice of his dismissal. Among other things it was resolved that "the citizens of Oregon are capable of self government. No foreign interest should be promulgated through the columns of the Spectator;" that "the editorial and other matters that have appeared in the columns of the Spectator are contrary to the Interest of Oregon and in opposition to the object that stimulated the proprietors of the Oregon Printing Association to the enterprise of establishing a newspaper in Oregon." From an item in the Spectator, August 20, concerning Lee's dismissal it is plain that the board charged Lee with favoring British interests in Oregon.

After passing the above resolutions and adding the name of John Fleming to the board, the meeting adjourned to "Saturday evening, 15 Aug 1846 at early candle light."

With the newspaper well launched the association sponsored publication of a school book, an abridged edition of Webster's Elementary Spelling Book. At the meeting of November 16, 1846, George Abernethy, chairman of the committee appointed for the purpose of finding the cost of printing, reported:

The Committee appointed for the purpose of Inquiring into the Expediency of publishing an abridged copy of Websters Elementary Spelling book, have had the same under consideration and have Instructed me to report as follows

That for composing ninety six pages 1000 Ms pr page It would cost about
The press work for 1000 copies will cost about
The paper 6½ reams will cost about
For folding & stitching 1000 copies about
For Ink thread & etceters
For Book Chase about
For One additional Composing stick
For two pairs of additional Cases


Making the aggregate sum of
$175.00 [$176.00]

This sum was less than had been anticipated. The estimate was for 1000 copies but a second 1000 could be ordered for the small additional cost of $65.20. The report continues:

Therefore your Committee believes that the public good

would be promoted in as much as such books cannot be obtained