Page:The Origin of Christian Science.djvu/149

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What then can the resurrection, so emphasized in the Scriptures, mean? For the language of Holy Writ must be retained, though the truth of it is cast to the winds. “Know all you materialistic mortals that the resurrection is spiritual. It is better to stress the spirit of Scripture than the letter. So the resurrection properly understood has no reference to the raising of the body to life but rather to the lifting of the mind to spiritual understanding. So be spiritually minded, get in tune with the infinite, become unconscious of your body and you too will thus enter into the glorious inheritance of the resurrection life! For did not Paul say that Christians are raised together with Christ and should seek the things that are above?”

Yes, Christian Science makes much of the philosophy of the resurrection but denies the fact of it. But Paul based the philosophy of it upon the fact of it, which only is a sane method. In the resurrection of Jesus Mrs. Eddy sees nothing done in his body but much done in the minds of the Apostles and something accomplished, also, it may be, in the mind of Jesus. Matter was not affected at all, but there was a mighty movement of mind. The resurrection of Jesus in the light of Christian Science is philosophy teaching by delusion.

Now let us hear Mrs. Eddy. She says: “He (Jesus) allowed men to attempt the destruction of the mortal body;”[1] “His disciples believed