Page:The Other Life.djvu/100

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rhythmical terminations, is that they can feel and think in societies, or all at once. We can only sing together perfectly. If we had choral thoughts, and choral affections, how much nearer we would be to the angels! How the music and thought of heaven would stream forth from our private and public lives!

The division of thoughts into measured lines containing the same number of feet, represents the unity and harmony of opinion in which the thinkers live; and the termination in rhymes or similar sounds, represents the spiritual affinity or likeness of their affections. This is the reason why music is some heavenly affection struggling for expression in our hearts and lives; and why the poet, whose choral thoughts and feelings reach out to all his race, is the great interpreter of mankind.

In the spiritual world one society can speak to another society, no matter how great their number, as readily and fluently as man speaks to man. They all feel and think so harmoniously that some one spirit speaks for them all; or, to put it more forcibly, they all speak through him as a passive medium.

Evil spirits also can unite for wicked ends, and many speak and act through one. This explains