Page:The Other Life.djvu/142

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are simply spiritual events interpreted in a natural manner. The sun shines in heaven for a longer or shorter period according to the states of the individual angel. To have the sun stand still until one slays his enemies, is, in spiritual language, to have the divine support and countenance in overcoming our evils, so long as we continue the warfare against them in his name.

The Jews were, no doubt, assisted by a miraculous light, but it came from within and not from without; from the spiritual Sun, not from the natural. The light that smote Paul on his way to Damascus did not flash from our terrestrial sky. Yet the phenomena in these cases were interpreted sensuously by Paul and Joshua; and the natural inference is, that they occurred in the physical sphere. This is one of the many instances where the letter killeth, and the spirit maketh alive.

Let us return to spiritual spaces.

When an angel sees another spirit close by, he knows that that spirit has something in common with himself, has entered into a state of life, thought and feeling similar to his own. When he sees spirits afar off unable to approach, he knows that no physical obstacles intervene, but that their dissimilar spiritual states keep them asunder.