Page:The Other Life.djvu/144

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separates and produces an extension of space or distance. They whom the sight would judge to be a mile distant from each other, can be present in a moment when the love of one toward another is excited; and on the contrary, they who are conversing together can in a moment be removed a mile apart when enmity is excited."

In passing from one extreme state to another, from intense joy to intense grief, from great light to utter darkness, from faith to incredulity, from love to hatred, and so forth, the soul travels through a great many intermediate states, which, if they were all registered and presented to outward view, would almost give one a panorama of the spiritual universe.

How do they move about or travel in the spiritual world?

To advance from one person to another, from one society to another, from one kingdom or heaven to another, interior changes of state must occur in the mind, which changes are accompanied by corresponding progressions of the spiritual body in the apparent space of the spiritual world.

It is therefore possible for the spirit to remain in the same place in fact, and, by successive changes of state induced upon his affections and thoughts