Page:The Other Life.djvu/159

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this is "the kingdom of God" which is said to be within us, and which comes without observation.

Augustine beautifully observes:

"Too late I sought Thee; too late I found Thee. I sought Thee at a distance and did not know that Thou wert near. I sought Thee abroad in thy works; and behold! Thou wert within me!"

The Christian world, however, does not understand that this God-in-the-heart is heaven; that love and charity are the whole of it; that the entire spiritual world is created continuously out of it and through it; that the degree and state of it in ourselves determine what heaven we shall go to; what we shall see there and do there; and the form under which the Divine Being shall manifest Himself to us.

Is there any other presence of the Lord in the spiritual world besides that which proceeds from the secret, inward appropriation of the divine love and wisdom, manifested spiritually as love and charity?

Yes. Every internal presence must have its outward correspondential form, its external manifestation. The Lord, who is all-in-all in the angelic soul, is also, in some manner, the all-in-all of the angelic world. The whole universe around us