Page:The Other Life.djvu/197

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joy in mutual love the eternity of wedded bliss. The married pair is the unit of heaven, representing the union of the Good and the True in the church, and of the divine love and wisdom in the Divine Man. From the home, as the centre of life and power, proceed all the angelic activities for the public good.

As the individuals of every society differ in talent and power, and in the degrees of love and wisdom they have received from the Lord; as some are wiser and more capable than others; and as all inferior things must be subordinated to superior things, and inviolable order be prescribed for every office and function; therefore there are governments in heaven. The government of heaven is that of mutual love. The law of the Lord is the only law that reigns or can be executed in those blissful spheres. They are governors and princes and rulers there, who have the law of the Lord most clearly inscribed upon their judgments and most deeply engraven upon their hearts. They do not desire office, nor are they elected to it. They hold it by virtue of their inherent capacity, patent to all eyes, of executing it best. This principle assigns every incumbent to his post, from the king and the priest to the humblest servant and