Page:The Other Life.djvu/20

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Many Christians reject instantaneously the idea that man, while living upon this earth, can receive any revelation of the other life.

They quote from Paul to the Corinthians:

"Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him—"

Let them finish the verse, and reflect on its meaning:—"But God hath revealed them to us by his Spirit."

Rev. F. W. Robertson, one of the most eminent of modern thinkers, says of this text:

"In the quotation of this verse a false impression is often evident. It is quoted as if the apostle by the 'things prepared' meant heaven, and the glories of a world which is to be visible hereafter, but is at present unseen. This is manifestly alien from his purpose. The world of which he speaks is not a future but a present revelation. God hath revealed it. He speaks not of something to be manifested hereafter, but of something already shown, only not to the eye or the ear."

A fearful sentence from the Bible is sometimes cited with the expectation of instantly silencing