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A Dictionary of Universal Knowledge for the People. Illustrated with Numerous Wood Engravings. Complete in Ten Volumes Royal Octavo. Price per Volume, Cloth, $4.50; Sheep, $5 ; Half Turkey, $5.50. Accompanied by an Atlas of Forty Maps. Price, Cloth, $S ; Sheep, $5.50; Half Turkey, $6.

The Publishers have the pleasure of announcing that they have issued the concluding PART OF CHAMBERS'S ENCYCLOPAEDIA, and that the work is now complete in

TEN ROYAL OCTAVO VOLUMES, of over 800 pages each, il- lustrated with about 4000 engravings, and accompanied by

AN ATLAS OF FORTY MAPS ; the whole, it is believed, form- ing the most complete work of reference extant.

The design of this work, as explained in the Notice prefixed to the first volume, is that of a Dictioitary of Universal Knowledge for the People — not a mere collection of elaborate treatises in alphabetical order, but a work to be readily consulted as a Dictionary on every sub- ject on which people generally require some distinct information. Com- menced in 1859, the work was brought to a close in 1868, and the Editors confidently point to the Ten volumes of which it is composed as forming the most Comprehensive — as it certainly is the Cheapest — En- cyclopedia ever issued in the English language.

TO TEACHERS, who are frequently called upon to give succinct explanations of topics in the various branches of education, often beyond the mere outline of information contained in the text-books, no other work will be found so useful ; while the conciseness of the several articles has made it practicable to bring the whole work within the compass of a few volumes, and to afford it at a small cost compared to others of its class.

FOR THE GENERAL READER. — " Upon its literary merits," says Dr. R. Shelton Mackenzie, "its completeness and accuracy, and the extent and variety of its information, there can be only one opinion. The work is worthy of the high aim and established reputa- tion of its projectors. Art and science, theology and jurisprudence, natural history and metaphysics, topography and geography, medicine and antiquities, biography and belles-lettres, are all discussed here, not in long treatises, but to an extent sufficient to give requisite information at a glance, as it were. Sometimes, when the subject justifies it, more minute details are given. ... Its fullness upon American subjects ought to recommend it especially in this country, and its low price makes it one of the cheapest and most accessible works ever published."

Copies of the work will be sent to any address in the United States, free of charge on receipt of the price by the Publishers, Liberal Terms to Ao-Ptits.