Page:The Other Life.djvu/31

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which the skeptics themselves are wholly unconscious. We see the beginning of the end. The means are already being prepared by which the whole human mind, including all its most conservative and radical elements, shall be lifted into higher and purer light. Difficulties will be removed, obscurities explained, reconciliations effected, the skeptic silenced, and the Christian enlightened, when revelation is seen as a perfected whole, and not viewed in part. Divine truth shall burst forth with new glory from the spiritual sense of the Holy Word, and the prophecy will be fulfilled:

"And in those days the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days."

How is the skeptic to be delivered from his unbelief and brought back to the christian anchorage? How is the doubting Christian to be re-established and strengthened and comforted? By the combined prayers and faith and reasonings and persuasions of the Church as now constituted? No! By some spontaneous development of the human mind, so that it shall penetrate unaided into spiritual and divine mysteries as it has never been able to do before? By no means.