Page:The Other Life.djvu/36

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We are not all abashed at the idea that some man of our own times shall be prepared by Almighty God for experiences and labors more important and valuable in some respects than those of Moses or John. It is indeed the very thing needed and best calculated to restore to Moses and John the hold they are fast losing upon the faith of mankind. The credibility of the Christian religion depends largely, we think, on the universality and eternity of the laws and principles upon which it was founded. What was possible and probable two thousand or four thousand years ago, under similar conditions is possible and probable now. If human instruments for the divine work of revelation were necessary and available then, they may become so now.

"We cannot believe that Moses, Ezekiel or John had visions of angels and received truth from heaven, unless we admit that it would be possible for a person in our own age to have similar visions and receive still higher truths. We cannot believe that Paul was carried into the third heaven while still living in the body, without conceding the possibility, at least, that some modern Paul might, for the sake of great use to the Church, undergo similar and even far greater experiences. Those won-