Page:The Other Life.djvu/52

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spiritual activities. The delight attending the execution of these spiritual functions is the blessedness of heaven.

The spiritual bodies in which we find ourselves after death are male or female. Man is man and woman is woman, morally, intellectually and organically for ever. One cannot live the life or fulfill the functions or be transmuted into the form of the other. The anatomical differences flow from the spiritual differences; and both are essential, organic and eternal. Sex is mental. The sexes were made for each other, not only in time but for eternity. It is only in heaven that we learn the true nature of love. It is only in heaven that marriage is spiritual, celestial, perpetual, divine.

There is no reproduction and birth in the spiritual world. No spiritual bodies are born there; they are created simultaneously with their natural bodies, here grow and develop in them and are extricated from them at death by the process called resurrection. But heaven is full of angels with spiritual bodies like ours. Where did they come from? If they were not born there, did God speak them all instantaneously into being out of utter nothingness? No! for God works always by organic and uniform laws; from centres to circumferences, from