Page:The Other Life.djvu/61

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If the good become so beautiful and the evil so deformed and hideous, how shall we know our friends and acquaintances who have long ago entered the spiritual world? The states of the soul, however long past and forgotten, are treasured up in the interior or spiritual memory. When these states are recalled, the spiritual body may resume the exact appearance, even with all the surroundings, which existed when those states were experienced on earth. Suppose a husband newly deceased wishes to identify a long-lost wife who has become an angel. When the memory of the wedding-night is awakened in the woman's mind, and the states of affection then existing are recalled into activity, the bride of his early love stands before him in the very bridal-robes she wore and with the same face and features to the minutest particulars. So any and every state of a spirit's life may be recalled, revived and pictorially re-enacted. These are "the Books" which will be opened at our judgment.

These changes, representative of interior states, are the only metamorphoses that our spiritual bodies undergo. The idea that spirits can assume any form they please, that they can appear in any other than the human form, that they can descend