Page:The Other Life.djvu/64

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HE who supposes that there are spiritual essences abstracted from organic forms, is startled by the use of such terms as bodies, senses, sensations, sight, hearing, speech, etc., in relation to the other life.

How can there be any conscious life, natural or spiritual, without sensation? Sensation, and perception which is only a more interior sensation, are the states of the spirit itself in the act of recognizing the existence and qualities of things.

All life flows in from above. Its forms are studied by observation and reflection, but they must be first perceived by sensation. Therefore in the spiritual world, nearer, to the divine source of all things, we have life in greater fullness and sensation in greater perfection.

Sensation is effected by contact or a very near approach to it. All sensation is touch. It is touch which brings us into relation with a universe out-