Page:The Other Life.djvu/72

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from corporeal ideas and to be led into spiritual ideas."

Again he says:

"The more intelligent the angels are, in so much the greater and brighter light are they. The differences of light in heaven are as many as are the angelic societies which constitute heaven—yea, as many as are the angels in each society."

In the natural world all men enjoy the same light and see the same objects—because the emanations from our sun are material. In the spiritual world that sameness of vision is impossible, because spirits differ in the reception of the divine love and wisdom which alone in that sphere produce the phenomena of heat and light. Every spirit feels and sees by the heat and light which he has appropriated from the spiritual sun. The light about him comes from within him, and the objects he sees reveal or express to him the divine love and wisdom, as they appear from his own special standpoint and through himself as the medium. This is the secret of the great fact, that every spirit creates his own heaven or hell, his own house, his own external scenery, his own social life.

If your spirit could be conducted through many spiritual and celestial spheres one after another,