Page:The Other Life.djvu/82

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side. And while he lifts the literal veil which conceals the real meaning of the Bible, his own doctrines on every subject are best and most forcibly illustrated and confirmed from the pages of Scripture.

The possession of the perfect human form, male or female, after death, and of spiritual sight and hearing, being conceded, the existence of the other senses cannot be denied. We have smell, taste and touch in the spiritual world. We have spiritual nerves which exactly correspond to the nerves of our physical body. It was in those spiritual nerves, indeed, that all our sensations of pain or pleasure occurred. When we drop the natural body, the real man with all his organs, emotions, thoughts, memories, sensations and possibilities, is simply withdrawn or extracted from it to lead on a higher plane a continued and better life.

Such is the resurrection from the dead!

Odors, like sounds and colors, are representative of the spiritual states of those from whom they proceed. Spirits detect by the sense of smell the quality of approaching spirits. Sweet and delicious odors accompany good spirits as direct emanations from their spiritual life. Heaven is full of the aroma of flowers and of the balmy fragrance of