Page:The Overland Monthly, Jan-June 1894.djvu/15

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Overland Monthly Announcements for 1894.


THE especial feature of the OVERLAND MONTHLY in 1894 will be its illustrated articles about the Pacific region: that is, about California, Oregon, and Washington; the Rocky Mountain States and Territories; British Columbia and Alaska; Mexico, and Central and South America; Hawaii, and the other Pacific islands; Japan, China, and Corea. These articles will range from thorough studies of various industries and social phases, to bright sketches of travel, exploration, and adventure, of character types and picturesque traits.

The abundant illustrations will be of such quality as may be judged from the examples (all taken from issues of the past year) in this prospectus. Like these, they will be made from washes, pen-drawings, photographs, and paintings; and they will be of greater variety in subject and manner than these few