Page:The Overland Monthly volume 5 contents.djvu/4

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San Francisco, Caravansaries of. Sibyls, The Last of the.. Spectre Bull of Salinas, The.. Spilled Milk.... St. Paul, In and About.. William M. Laffan ..N. S. Dodge........ Wm. C. Mead Staats. ..Mrs. James Neall ...Hilda Rosevelt..... ..Prentice Mulford.. E. A. Wallass.. Fosephine Clifford... Mr. Socrates Hyacinth Col. I. H. Hooper... Capt. C. M. Scammon William P. Gibbons, M.D. -Fosephine Clifford.... ..Ebenezer Knowlton.. 176 489 61 ... ...... 427 362 "The Bed of the River" .• 393 The Sabre of Honor...... The Three Pinks..... .....404 369 ........ Tom and His Wife... Twelve Days' " Absence Without Leave". Washington Territory, Lumbering in. Waysides of Nature (II)... Weser, A Day on the... 504 ..... 201 ........ ..... 55 153 ........ ........ 232 ..... Yosemite on Foot.... ........ 04 Yuba Hydraulic Mines (I, II).... Yuba, The........ Judson Farley..... - Judson Farley.... 134, 213 444


An Answer. A Hope..... Aspasia.... At the Hacienda. "Cicely "... Dickens in Camp. His Answer to "Her Letter". If Only...... My Artist.. Pansies .. Penelope Plain Language from Truthful James... Sail Ho!...... The Bleacher's Song. The Cocoa-Trce... To the Statue on the Capitol at Washington.. Violets......... With a Wreath of Laurel... ..Ina D. Coolbrith.... 162 ..Ina D. Coolbrith Herman G. Rogers... ... C. W..... .F. Bret Harte...... ..F. Bret Harte F. Bret Harte... ....... 474 543 .... 231 378 .... 90 ...... 576- 60 .... ..Ina D. Coolbrith ..Mrs. S. M. B. Piatt.. ...344 .Mrs. Helen Rich.... .F. Bret IHarte...... ..F.Bret Harte...... 512 ....... 189 287. ... Charles Warren Stoddard... 30 .J. Ricff..... .....Charles Warren Stoddard.. ...John James Piatt... ..Emelie Lawson ... ...Iua D. Coolbrith 311 ......443 404 113 256


98 American Political Economy (Francis Bowen).. Books of the Month.... Chris and Otho Julie P. Smith). Essay on Divorce (Theodore D. Woolsey, D.D.)... Free Russia Wm. Hepworth Dixon). Geology and Physical Geography of Brazil (Ch. Fred. Hartt). John: A Love Štory (Mrs. Oliphant)..... Lifting the Veil... Light-Houses and Light-Ships (A. 1I. Davenport Adans). Lothair (Benjamin Disraeli)... Lost Sir Massingherd...... Man and Wite (Wilkie Collins Miss Van Kortland.......: Misunderstond Florence Montgomery Passages from tlhe English Note-Books of Nathane rne. Put Yourself in His Place Charles Reade Queen Horten-e 1. Muhlbach). Recollections of Eton,...... Robert Greathouse (John Franklin Swift Sket hes of Creation (Alexander Winchell, L.L.D.). Saciety and S tude (Ralph Waldo Emerson The Andes and the Amaon (James Orton, M.A.).. The Rob Roy on the Jordan ). Macgregor). The Genial Showm un (Edward P. limgsta).. The Heart of the Cntineat Fit-11ngh Laullon.). The Life and Alvetures of James W. Mar halt, t' D serer of G ll i Cali. mia ien, . P'arsns). 39 The Mississippi Vall-y (ti. W. Firster, L.I.D.).. Private Life of Galilen..... The Seat of Empine Charles Carleton Cofin). The Writings of Anne Isabella Thas keray. Tom Brown at Oxford (Fhomas Hughes True to Herselr (F. W. Rohinsom)...... ..... 104, 200 ...... 486 198 390 ...... 583 391 199 ... 504 .. 192 .. Io3 291 ...... ....... .... ....... ... .......... 1 102 .......... .... 487 289 .....192 295 486 387 578 386 578 293 388 ..... ..... ..... 578 ....... 294