Page:The Palace of Pleasure, Volume 1 (1890).djvu/131

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Martins Coriolanus goinge aloute to reprejfe the common people oj Rome with dearth of Come was lani/Jied. for reuengement whereof he perfwaded Accius Tullius ki?ig of the Volfcians, to make warres upon the Romaynes, and he himselfe in their ayde, came in his owne person. The Citie brought to greate miferye, the fathers deuifed meanes to deliuer the fame, andfent vnto the Volfcian campe, the mother, the wife and children of Corio lanus. Vpon whose coinplaintes Coriolanus withdrewe the Volfcians, and the citie was reduced to quietnes.

IN the yeare that Titus Geganius and Publius Minutius were Con- fuls, when all thinges were quiet abrode^ and diflention at home appeafed, an other great mifchiefe inuaded the citie. first a dearth of victuals, for that the land was vntilled, by the peoples departure, then a famine, such as chaunceth to the befieged : which had brought a great destru&ion of people, had not the Con- fuls sorfeene the fame, by prouifion in sorren places. They sent purueiors into Scicilia : but the malice of the cities adioyning, flayed the prouifion that was made a farre of. The Corne prouided at Cumas was ftayed for the goodes of Tarquinius by Ariftode- mus the tyrant, that was his heire. The next yere sollowinge, a greate mafle of Corne was tranfported oute of Scicile, in the time of the Confuls, M. Minutius and A. Sempronius. Then the Se nate confulted, vppon the diftribution of the fame vnto the people. Diuers thought that the time was then come, to bridle and fup- prefle the people, that thereby they mighte the rather recouer those priuileges, which were extorted from the fathers. Amonges whom Martius Coriolanus a yonge gentleman was the chiefeft, who being an enemie to the Tribune authoritie, said these woords. " If the people will haue victuals and come at that price, whereat it was affifed and rated in time past, then it is meete and ne- ceflTarie, that they render to the fathers, their auncient au&horitie and priuilege: for to what purpose be the plebeian Magiftrates