Page:The Palace of Pleasure, Volume 1 (1890).djvu/151

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King Crœsus of Lydia reasoneth with the wyseman Solon, of the happie life of man. Who little ejieeming his good aduise, vnder- Jloode besore his death, that no man (but ly vertue) can in this life attaine felicitie.

A NOBLE Gentleman of Athens called Solon, by th' appointement of the Athenians, made lawes for that citie, and because none of the fame lawes fhoulde be abrogated, for the space of tenne yeares, hee bounde the Citizens by othe. And that the fame mighte the better be obferued ; he himselfe traueyled into farre countries, as into Egipt to vifite king Hamafis, and so to Sardis to kinge Crsefus, where he was liberallie intertayned. This Craefus was king of Lydia, sonne of Haliattes, that brought to fubie&ion great countries in Afia and Graecia, and gathered together an innume rable masse of moneye and riches. Who three or soure dayes after the arriuall of Solon (which was led aboute by his feruauntes, to viewe his notable wealth and fubftaunce) said vnto Solon these wordes. "My frende of Athens, because thy famous wyfedome is well knowen to the worlde, and I haue heard tell of the excel- lencie therof, and of the greatnes of thy trauaile, where thou hast attaigned to the finguler knowledge of Philosophie; I desire to learne of thee (now hauing feene my great treafures) who is the happieft man and most blefled, that thou knowest in this world." Thinking he would haue Judged him to be the fame. But Solon made aunfwere, that, "Tellus was the happieft; who was an Athenien, and had vertuous and honest sonnes, and they likewife had honest children, all which were that time liuing. And when by the space of many yeares he had ledde a vertuous and godly life, he died an honourable death in the warres which the Athe nians had with theyr neighbours, at the battaile of Eleufina. Wher he was indued with fumptuous funerals, to his great honour and prayfe." Then Craefus afked him : " Who was happie next Tellus ; " thinking hee would haue attributed to him the second