Page:The Palace of Pleasure, Volume 1 (1890).djvu/159

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From thence he was fent to the Jaole, and examined vpon interro- gatories to bewraye the reft of the confpiratours ; for which hee fuffered the racke, and the violence of other tormentes. After- wardes, Menalippus remembring the conftancie of his frende, and the crueltye by him ftoutly fuffered, went to Phalaris and con- feffed vnto him that not onely he was priuy to that treafon, but alfo was the auchour thereof. Phalaris demaundinge for what caufe he did it, tolde him the consideration before rehearfed, which was the reuokinge of fentence, and other iniuries done vnto him. The tyraunt maruaylinge at the conftant frendfhippe of thofc twaine, acquited them both, but vppon condition that both fhoulde depart oute of the citie and countrie of Sicilia. Neuer- thelefTe, he gaue them leaue to receiue the fruites and commodi- ties of their reuenues. In record and remembrance of whofe amitie, Apollo fang thefe Verfes. [centered] The rayfers vp of heauenly loue, amonges the humaine kimde : Were good Chariton and Menalippe, whofe like vnneths we finde. [end centered text] This Phalaris was a moft cruell tyraunte of the citie of Agrigen- tine in Scicilia, who befides other inftrumentes of new deuifed tormentes, had a Bull made of BrafTe, by the art and inuention of one Perillus: into which Bull, all fuch as were condemned to death were put, and by reafon of extreame heate of fire made vnder the fame, thofe that were executed, yelled foorth terrible foundes and noyfes, like to the lowing of a Bull. For which ingine and deuife, Perillus thinking to obtaine great reward, was for his labour, by commaundement of the tyraunt, throwen into the Bull, being the firft that fhewed the proofe of his deuife. Within a while after, alfo Phalaris himfelfe, for his great crueltie, was by a general affault, made vpon him by the people, haled into the fame Bull and burned : and althoughe this tyraunte farre excelled in beaftlye crueltie, yet there appeared fome fparke of humanitie in him, by his mercye extended vpon Chariton and Menalippus, the two true louers before remembred. The fame Phalaris wrote many proper and fhort Epiftles, full of vertuous inftructions, and holfome admonitions.