Page:The Parable of Creation.djvu/145

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The Image of God.

lect and affection, which have now become an image of God, are, at this stage of regeneration, to assume the dominion. It was the lower nature which previously ruled. It was self and the world—vanity, ambition, greed of power, lust of gain, desire of approbation, sensuous pleasure, or whatever the main spring of action might have been, which had hitherto borne rule. But now it is MAN—perfected manhood—manhood regenerated both as to intellect and affection, regenerated in both its masculine and feminine phases, which is to rule the whole realm of the mind.

The true man is the regenerated nature. This is to have dominion over whatever in the mind is symbolized by the fish of the sea, the fowl of the air, the cattle, all the earth, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth. The fish of the sea are the knowledges in the memory, the fowl of the air the thoughts which float through the atmosphere of the mind, the cattle the affections of the heart, all the earth the entire realm of mind, and every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, the instincts and ideas that lay close to the earth in the very natural duties and pleasures which a life in the world compel us to perform and enjoy. These are the things over which the man, the regenerated manhood, are to have and hold dominion. Once these things, in