Page:The Parable of Creation.djvu/156

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The Parable of Creation.

true spiritual meaning. Thus the Word of God is lifted from the mire of mere sensuous discussion, out of the region of literal confusion and inconsistency, into the clear, heavenly atmosphere of spiritual wisdom.

I return to these primary postulates again and again with reason. To those to whom truths of this nature are new, it must be "line upon line and precept upon precept." It is only by constant reiteration that the idea becomes indelibly engraven on the mind. Let us now revert to our text.

Thus the heavens and the earth were finished and all the hosts of them. What does this mean in the light of all we have thus far learned? Simply that the spiritual mind and the natural mind, together with all the knowledges of spiritual things which appertain to them are now, at last, in the highest sense, regenerated. You will not forget that the heaven is the spiritual mind, the earth the natural mind, and the stars spiritual knowledges. Then as the creation signifies the regeneration, the finishing of creation refers to the completion of the work of regeneration. The mind has been slowly coming to this point all through that series of states and experiences which were described, in symbolic forms of expression, by the various things brought into being during the six days of creation. Each new thing created was, in this higher meaning,