Page:The Parable of Creation.djvu/159

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The Sabbath of Rest.

of thought and reason, they argue and debate. On the plane of affection, they enter into combat. On the plane of outward action, they come into mutual disagreement. In the conflict thus induced, at times the one prevails, at times the other; now it is the spiritual mind which gains the ascendency, and again it is the natural which wins the day.

The combat goes on between these two elements of the nature, all along the path of the regeneration. Indeed, without it regeneration were impossible. When we gain some light concerning the higher life, the very opposition to it of the lower nature shows us what we are. When we learn the true character of unselfishness, the opposition of the natural mind to its high behests reveals the selfishness to which we cling. Until we know ourselves we cannot rise. Until we know wherein we are wrong we cannot go right. Now all the decisions of the natural man—his ends, thoughts and acts, come from the lower mind. But all that is spiritual, in will, thought or deed, is the influence of the Lord flowing into the spiritual mind, and moving it to assert its supremacy. So while this struggle goes on, God's work goes on. But when, at last, the natural mind yields, and is brought into obedience to, and harmony with, the higher nature, then there is no more opposition, no more debate, no more combat; the Lord's influences press unresisted