Page:The Parable of Creation.djvu/99

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The Elevation of Love and Faith.

therefore, ever, in thought, as Jesus glorified. With what is invisible, incomprehensible, unthinkable, we have, and can have, nothing, consciously, to do. The essential divinity is more beyond us than your soul, which I can neither feel nor see, is beyond my ken. I know you only through your body, your speech, your outward life. You can know essential Divinity only as the soul of Christ—something entirely beyond and above your grasp. But in Christ, and through his life and speech and works, in that Humanity which was made Divine and now fills heaven and earth and all things, God becomes something which we can know of, think of, live for, love!

So we raise our hearts to this Divine Man. We see his life exemplified in the world; we hear the ringing precepts He uttered for our guidance of old and on earth; we love the good He lived, the truth He taught, the life He exemplified; thus, we love Him. So He himself has defined this love in the only way in which it can be defined, and He has said, "He that hath my commandments and doeth them, He it is that loveth me;"—" If ye love me, keep my commandments." And if we really love the life He offers for our acceptance, we will keep his commandments. If we do not, it is because we love ourselves, or the world's goods and pleasures better. But when we love them, or to the degree