Page:The Paraclete.djvu/13

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The Charlotte Wood Slocum lectureship on "Christian Evidences" was endowed in 1890 by the lamented lady whose name it bears, the wife of Elliott T. Slocum, Esq., of Detroit, in grateful memory of the life and labours of the Right. Rev. Samuel Smith Harris, D.D., LL.D., the second Bishop of Michigan. Mrs. Slocum departed this life in Dresden, 6th June, 1891. Bishop Harris—to quote his own words—"moved by the importance of bringing all practical Christian influences to bear upon the great body of students annually assembled at the University of Michigan, undertook to promote and set in operation a plan of Christian work at said University, and collected contributions for that purpose, of which plan the following outline is here given, that is to say:

To erect a building or hall near the University in which there should be cheerful parlours, a well–equipped reading–room, and a lecture–room, where the lectures hereinafter mentioned might be given;

To endow a Lectureship similar to the Bampton Lectureship in England, for the establish-