Page:The Paris Commune - Karl Marx - ed. Lucien Sanial (1902).djvu/152

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from you your sons, your only support, to make papal soldiers of them, or to strew their abandoned corpses over the desert plains of Syria, Cochin-China and Mexico.

We likewise advise you to abstain from voting, because abstention is the protest that the author of the coup d'état fears the most; but if you are compelled to cast your ballot, let it either remain blank or bear the words: Radical change in taxation! No more conscription! The Social and Democratic Republic!

For the Federated Parisian Sections of the International Workingmen's Association:

A. Combault, rue de Vaugirard, 289.
Reymond, rue de l'Ouest, 80.
Germain Casse, rue de Maubeuge, 94.
Berthomieu, member of the Commission of the International.
Lafargue, member of the Vaugirard Section.
E. Lefvre, rue des Martyrs, 99.
Jules Johannard, rue d'Aboukir, 126.
J. Franquin, rue de la Verrerie, 42.

For the Federal Chamber of Labor Societies:

A. Theisz, carver, rue de Jessaint, 12.
Camelinat, bronze-mounter, rue Folie-Méricourt, 34.
Avrial, machinist, passage Raoul, 15.
D. André, cabinet-maker, rue Neuve-des-Boulets, 17.
Destetti, rue des Boulangers, 16.
Pindy, joiner, rue du Faubourg-du-Temple, 17.
Robillard, gilder, rue de Sèvres, 113.
Rouveyrole, goldsmith, rue Lesage, 16.