Page:The Parochial System (Wilberforce, 1838).djvu/101

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in us. We are in no danger of being lifted up so long as we remember, that whatever good we are enabled to do, is done not by us, but by "Him, who worketh in us to will and to do of His good pleasure." St. Paul might safely say, "I laboured more abundantly than they all," because he knew how to add "yet not I but the grace of God which was in me."

Let us not fear then to dwell on the promises of our Lord, to excite by them our hopes, and kindle our desires, still less to risk on their truth our worldly substance and comfort. The traders of the earth, if they have news of a rich market opened to them, where they may reap an abundant profit, are not slow to send thither their goods, at much risk of loss should their information mislead them. Let us risk our earthly treasures on the credit of Christ's word, secure that whatever betide, and however the nations of the world may be shaken, and all property here may be lost in the general crash; that portion of our wealth will be secure which we have grace to "lend unto the Lord." Certain that we shall receive for it "an hundredfold here in this present time, and hereafter eternal life."

Every natural fear, which might deter us from trusting these gracious promises of our Lord, seems to be severally met by some rich and bountiful provision, made as it were expressly for our more abundant satisfaction. Thus the great difficulty which men feel, when the thought burns