Page:The Parson's Handbook - 6th ed.djvu/6

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 A of Practical Books for Church Workers.f?ifYZ i co     

A ” t General Ed¢70r—Rev. Pmzcv Dunmsn, M.A. aeah i

t M THE PARSON’S HANDBOOK. Bythe Rev.PmcvhD.~:m:r¢1iéié;;[P`;L>§‘, hhhe  

— P ~ e M.A., Vicar of St. Mary-the·Virgin, Primrose Hill, Londoni,;.N.W.,i?.§ %ii`ih jjj

 Sixth Edition, revised a second time with much additionalQrnatter,i_f*g ,,e,  
 c i and with thirty-one illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth gilt, pp;.xxi+e562;;*. {[1;fQ§
 Price 6s. net. E  j ,e<t yn   ,.t_.  

_ , » · This volume contains practical directions both for Parsons and otherspas,to~*t|;¢Y;T ‘»`’ , ~ · management of the Paris Church and its Services according to the English`;{,use,‘as»:,j’g

 · , set forth in tl Book of Common Prayer, with an Introductory Essay ¤¤vc¤¤_r¤i—¤¤;;y‘,f—;·  
 to the Church of England. ’ _ » —,     _s_lgj

, E A HANDBOOK OF CHURCH LAW. By the Rev. ..°h s A Lncsv, M.A., Chaplain of London Diocesan Penitentiary,.High·gate,, jpffj g London, N. F cap. 8vo, cloth gilt, pp. xiv+292. .Price,3s.' ' Designed for both Clergy and Laity alike, this book is an attempt to·state.jclearly`] v'`_` if[`Q_ the principles underlying the practice of Church Law. To avoid ‘con’fusjion;j:ini*the_?{'  !—, matter of what is required by Church Law and what is requiredibygthe » ~ ’ ' England, the author has adopted a distinct nomenclature for each. _ ` _— V `; . ` ’ _’;*_Yf THE CATECHIST’S HANDBOOK. By the Rev. _e».h Yi}??!;} g NEWLAND-SMITH, M.A., Vicar of St. Mark’s, Marylebone;} Road, E *i e E, London, N.W. Fcap. 8vo, cloth gilt, pp. xxiv+226, with {our; T P iilustrations. Price 3s. net. E l This volume is a guide for the Catechist, containing chapters on the {lace and plan, ` _ the general scheme, exercises, instruction, and enrolment of members. heappendiees g;; ` l _ contain schemes of instruction and a bibliography of books useful to the Catechist; V` ‘ '— H,

 Evangelists, and Parish Priests. By the Rev. PAUL B. BULL, M.A., ~e,·»e Q  

P y of the Community of the Resurrection, Mirfield. Fcap..8vo,»clothe, [ g gilt, pp. xvi +265. Price gs. 6d. net. _ V A E Y _.hf,,;i 1 L _ With regard to Mission-work, ‘there are certain fundamental 'principleswliichido;` IV ,,,’* not change; certain ideals and aims which are the same for all.' hese principles the , *2 `,»`

 _» author emphasizes, and he endeavours ‘to give an outline of methods of rteaching J ‘‘*' ;,
 _` which have been useful in the past'. Some chapter-headingsin the book are ?The Aim _ Q —`_— ,_

_» _,`` of the Mission,' ‘The Mission Sermon} ‘Dealings with Individuals,’ ‘Afteréwork.'j F

 j ,» ” There are four appendices dealing with the subject ot traiuing for mission-work., ` Y , M   T
 1 , THE SERVER’S HANDBOOK. Bythe Rev. P1:RcvD:AnMJ;R_,,. ; 

[ E M.A. F cap. 8vo, cloth, pp. viii+36. Price 6d. net. p iv,. a y

 * 3 __ , A guide to the duties of the Clerk at a plain celebration of the Holy communion.; » e Y
_ , ' at the administration of Holy Baptism; t e Solemnization of Matrimony; t—he.Visita-` ~ ’ '
 , i tion of the Sick; the Churc ing, of V\'omen; and the Burial of the Dead ;* with the _ _‘·_ _ 1¥‘—

Q V 1 text of the Liturgy and Private rayem. », . , ’,`` i _ ; = Le;