Page:The Partisan (revised).djvu/219

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was uplifted towards Singleton, and the fierce fire shooting out from her grey eye, and moving in the direction of the pointed finger, was long after remembered by him. In a few moments more, she was gone from the camp, and, with a degree of elasticity scarcely comporting with her years, was trudging fast on her way to Dorchester.

Waiting until she had fairly departed, Singleton at length left his camp on the Ashley, and leaving no traces of his sojourn but the dying embers of his fires, he led the way towards the designated encampment at Bacon's Bridge. This was a few miles above Dorchester, on the same river, and immediately contiguous to the Cypress Swamp. An old battery and barracks, built by General Moultrie, and formerly his station, prior to the siege of Charleston, furnished a much more comfortable place of abode than that which he had just vacated. Here he took that repose which the toils of the last twenty-four hours rendered absolutely necessary.