Page:The Partisan (revised).djvu/329

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our epicure, as, almost without a sound, he pressed forward upon hands and knees, his huge form, in this attitude, appearing in the dusky light very like the animal whose outer habits he was striving to assimilate.

The terrapins were a little uneasy, and Porgy found it necessary to pause occasionally and survey them in silence. When they appeared quiet, he renewed his progress; as he drew nearer, he boldly grunted aloud, after the porcine habit, and with such excellence of imitation that, but for his knowledge of the truth, Davis himself might have been deceived. Porgy knew the merit of his imitation, but he had some scruples at its exercise: but for the want of fresh meat in camp, and the relish with which he enjoyed his stew of terrapins, he would have been loath to make an exhibition of his peculiar powers. Even at this moment he had his reflections on his own performance, which were meant to be apologetic, though unheard.

"The Hog," he muttered as he went, "has one feature of the good aristocrat. He goes where he pleases, and grumbles as he goes. Still, I am not satisfied that it is proper for the gentleman to put on the hog, unless on occasion such as this. The pleasures of a dinner are not to be lost for a grunt. He must crawl upon his belly who would feel his way to that of a terrapin."

Thus fortifying himself with philosophy, he pressed forward to the great delight of Davis, who had become quite interested in the performance, and grunt after grunt testified to the marvellous authority which his appetite exercised over his industry. The terrapins showed themselves intelligent. Alas! the best of beasts may be taken in by man. Porgy's grunts were a sad fraud upon the unsuspecting victims. At the first sound, the largest of the three terrapins, having the greatest stake (Qu? steak) of all, betrayed a little uneasiness, and fairly wheeled himself round upon his post, prepared to plunge headlong with the approach of danger. His uneasiness was naturally due to the importance of the wealth which had been intrusted to his keeping. His bullet head, his snaky neck, were thrust out as far as possible from beneath the covers of his dwelling. Like an old soldier, he pricked his ears, and stood on the alert; but he was soon satisfied. His eye took in the forms