Page:The Path to the Stars, by K. E. Tsiolkovsky, English transl., AD0644808.pdf/14

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Fiction Tale


I awoke and, still lying in bed, pondered only on what I had seen in my dream. I saw myself bathing, and since it was winter, I particularly enjoyed dreaming about summer bathing.

Time to arise!

I stretch, arise... How easy! Easy to sit, easy to stand. What is this? Is the dream continuing? I feel that I stand especially easily, as if immersed to the neck in water, my feet barely touch the floor.

But where is the water? Can't see it. I wave my hands, I do not experience any resistance.

Am I asleep? I rub my eyes — still the same.


However, I have to dress!

I move chairs, open cabinets, set my clothing, pick up various things and — can't understand anything!

Perhaps my strength has increased?.. Why has everything become so light? Why can I lift such objects, which before I could not move?

No! These are not my legs, not my hands, not my body!

Those others are so heavy and do everything with such effort...

From where comes the power in my hands and legs?.
