Page:The Path to the Stars, by K. E. Tsiolkovsky, English transl., AD0644808.pdf/455

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satellite of the Sun.



Thus there apeared the first

The weight of the last stage (without f-el) was

lDIzrt in tbs sol.-

,72 3_ugrams .

On 12 1959 there was Zaunched a second Sovriet smce rocket to the Mow,

u nich reached it

surface the Soviet message

in 1.5 days, delivering to its

with the state emblem cf the Soviet Union. weight without fue! us

1he __t

1553 kg, and the _S


stage of the rocket, 1

iet State nessags -were t e fi-rst -t ,in histcry of

cles =ade by the hands of r-ar delivered to another p lne,

On 4 October 1959, the second anmi-ersary since lachirg of first ar*Sioial Soviet earth satellite, the third Soviet space rocket was lai,'cbedLn

diecti-, cf te'-

interp _etary station., u-ch Wiln he Its last stage carried an autatic a special system of orientation and speci-l arrangement 0f P. otog!--P_c (being c-ntro1_ed by radio) for the first -

anot urnduced -z.



ns of tne re-erse

side of Moon, invisible from E-rth, and then transitied the ibtained imag-s Lo Earth bY radio. equi.zent,

The automatic space station 'ms a ca

l icated an& .perfect piece of

tich alloiad our scientists, engineers, and w

truly unprecedented scientific feat.

Each launchi-ng of ar--ficcial earth sate"Im s

and space rockets constituted a new fther, ditionirg of humanity to Space:


rkers to execute this

higher stage of the Legining of con-

is obvious that the investigaticns performed

are only the beginning.

Ahead are remarkable prospects of further space flights,

stated Academician L. I.

Sedov, Chairman of internat-onal Federation of Astronauts


[Astronautics] on November 1959. When after conservative and clear descriptions in reports of TASS of details of the structure of the automatic interplanetary station of third space rocket, one reads science-fiction products of Tsiolkovskiy, one involuntarily stops or. already familiar names.

For instance, one meets the term "gyroscopic transducer" in the

monograph "Free Space," describing the first design of a spaceship in 1883 (see figure in appendix.).

Solar batteries, named solar motors, are described in "Dreams

about Earth and Sky" (1895).

Adjustment of internal temperature by means of louver

