Page:The Peerage, Baronetage and Knightage of the British Empire Part 2.djvu/32

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JIILNE'S LIST OF Date of Patent. Name of Patentee, Date of Sealing, &c. 13 March 1637 Pbeston (* J) [24 March 1638 25 July 1665 Peib (*) » PUBVES (J) 5 January 1683 Pkingle 16 March 1686 Pateesox 2 Jnly 1687 30 November 1703 Pateeson Pollock Pbymeose (f ) Master Geobge, fear of Vala- feild. Heirs male] Thomas, of Stanypittis, in the county of Kent. Heirs male] William, of Purveshall; not recordit ROBEBT, of Stitchell. A.M.B. Hugh, of Bannockbum. A.M. Sir William, Clerk of Councill. A.M. Sir Robert, of Neather Pollock,^ for his predecessors' services to King David and King William, and for his own to King William, of etemall happy memory; and for his fixedness to the Reformed Religion the tyme of the Revo- lution, withstanding supersti- tion and dispotick power, and for his suffering nyne months' imprisonment inter the barba- rous and inhumane mountain- iers, when he was carried away by Viscount of Dundie. The same date with Mr. John Fer- guson, provydit to heirs male of his body Sir Archibald, of Carringham, Register; takes out hisarmes as Baronet Piemarks. (S.) Sir Robert Preston, 7th Bart. served heir on the death of 6th Bart. 1834— Broun. Sir Hy.LindsayPreston, last Baronet, d. unm. 25 Nov. 1873, aged 84. See also Burke's Peerage, 1874 (S.) Dormant since death of Sir George Piers, 7 May 1720, aged 50 Baronetage. See Hume-Campbell Baronetage ? extinct. Said to have married Elizth. .Seton, heiress of Toxich Extinct on the death of his grandson Sir Robert, 2nd Bart. 1783 Earl of Rosebery (R.) 3 September 1625 14 May 1628 13 November 1630 13 September 1636 2 June 1665 11 July 1666 3 December 1666 23 June 1669 30 Nov. 1703 i June 1704 Ramsay Riddell (J) RiTCHABDSON (f) Rany Ramsay RUTHVEN Ramsay Ramsay Reid ROCHEAD ROLLO (J) RiTCHABDSON {%) GiLBEBT, of Balmaine. 2 Nov. 1625. A.M. Sealed Sir John, de eodem. Sealed 16 Feb. 1629. [A.M.] Robert, of Eister Pentland. Sealed 13 Jan. 1631. [A.M.] John, of Rotham, alias Ravam in regione de Kent, Armigero. A.M. James, of Whythill. A.M.B. Fbancis, of Redcastle. [A.M.B.] GiLBEBT, of Bamffe; the same day with Elliot, of Stobs. A.M.B. Sir Andbew, of Abbotshall; first knighted by the iisurper Crom- well. A.M.B. Mr. John, of Barro. A.M.B. James, of Innerleith. A.M. Sir John, of Bannockbum, he is designed, and now Lord Rollo, his nephew is served heir to him 14 March 1672 Sir James, of Smieton; takes out his armes as Baronet (3 Sept. of Ramsay— S.) ? dormant on the death of Sir Alex. 6th Bart. II Feb. 1806, although assumed by (Sir) James or (Sir) Thomas Ram- say (Of New Riddell— S.) Baronetage (Richardsone, of Pencaitland — S.) See "Chaos" (19 Dec. 1635, and 13 Sept. 1636, of Wrotham, Kent — S.) Supposed to have become extinct 1721; alsocr. a Baronet ofEngland 20 Jan. 1641-2 ? extinct. " Terminated in an heiress, m. to Balfour of Balbirnie" ? had an only daughter, Isabel, Baroness Ruthven. See Peerage Baronetage Said to be extinct on the death of his great-grandson, Sir Andrew, 3rd Bart. Baronetage d.s.p. 1737 ? extinct See Richardson, of Easter Pentland 13 Nov. 1630. I MS'sl^E^lSWCr "■^ "' ^"^"« ^^"*' "'^ '^^ »^*'" -•^ -^'^^-^r.