Page:The Peerage, Baronetage and Knightage of the British Empire Part 2.djvu/39

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AFFLECK. (7) Mary Dyke, in. 30 Juuc, 18G4, to Rev. Walter Hook, rector of Porlock, Somerset, and formerly succentor of Chicliester Cathedral, and rector of Laviugton, Sussex, 2nd sou of late Very Rev. Dean Hook (C'Crtis), and has 2 sons and .5 dans. Walter Acland Hook, b. 2 July, 1867.— Arthiu- James, b. 18 Feb. 1877. — JIary. — Lucy Augusta. — Anna Delccia. — Agnes Joanna. — Katherine Frances. (8) Johanna Dorothea Dyke, m. 30 June, 1864, to Leonard Harper, bar.-at-law, sou of Right Rev. Henry John Chitty Harper, D.D. bishop of Christchurch, N.Z. and has 6 sons and a dau. Arthur Paul HARPER, b. 27 June, 1865.— Charles Coleridge, b. 30 Dec. 1866.— Leonard LleweUyn, b. 6 Aug. 1868.— H. Theodore Acland, b. 17 Dec. 1871. — John Ernest Troyte, b. 29 May, 1874.— Reginald Tristram, b. 11 Feb. 1876.- Clara Agnes Acland. [3] Henry AVentworth Dyke Acland, M.D. M.A. regius pro- fessor of medicine, Oxford, D.C'.L. Cambridge, Dublin, Edin- burgh, &c.; b. 23 Aug. 1815 ; m. 14 July, 1846, Sarah, eldest dau. of WiUiam Cotton, Esq. D.C.L. of Wahvood, Essex, ; she d. 25 Oct. 1878, having had 7 sons and a dau. (1) William Alison Dj'ke, com. R.x. F.R.G.S. b. 18 Dec. 1847. (2) Henry Dyke, b. 14 Oct. 1850; m.l6 Nov. 1878, Margaret Hicheus, dau. of John Jope Rogers, of Penrose, Cornwall, and had a dau. Sarah, b. 28 Aug. 1879; d. 3 Sept. following. (3) Theodore Dyke, b. 14 Nov. 1851.— (4) Herbert Dyke, b. 9 April, 1855; d.4 June, 1877.— (5) Reginald Brodie Dj-ke, b. 18 May, 1856.— (6) Francis Edward Dyke, lieut. R.A. b. 12 May, 1857.— (7) Alfred Dyke, b. 19 Aug. 1858.— (8) Sarah Angelina. [4] Peter Leopold Dyke Acland, vicar of Broadclyst, Devon, prebendary of Exeter Cathedral and rural dean ; b. 3 June, 1819; m. 24 April, 1845, Julia, dau. of Rev. Benjamin Barker, rector of Shipdham, Norfolk: she d. 18 Dec. 1851. He m. 2ndly — 12 Dec. 1872, Julie, dau. of Herr Philip WafEncr, of Dusseldorf. By his 1st wife he has had with other issue 3 sons, (1) Thomas, of Christchurch, N.Z. b. 3 July, 1846 ; m. 10 Oct. 1874, Flora Margaret, dau. of Robert Waitt, Esq. of Chi-ist- church, N.Z. and has a son, Leopold George Dyke, b. 2 July, 1876. (2) Benjamin Dyke, lieut. R.N. b. 18 Aug. 1849. (3) Henry Dyke, rector of Nvmet, St. George, Devon 1879; b. 4 Mar. 1850 ; m. 22 Jan. 1878, Adelaide Clementina Hart, 2nd dau. of late Richard Vaughan Davis, and has 3 sons and a dau. Edward Leopold Dyke, b. 7 Dec. 1878.— John Henry Dyke, b. 24 June, 1880.— Richard Dyke, b. 3 Oct. 1881, a twin with Katharine Annie. [5] (Hon.) John Barton Anmdell Dj'ko Acland, bar.-at-law, L.I. 1849, M.L.c. New Zealaml; b. 25 Nov. 1823; m. 17 Jan. 1860, EmUy Weddell, dau. of Right Rev. Henry John Chitty Harjaer, D.D. bishop of Christchurch, X.z. and has 3 sons and 6 daus. John Dyke, b. 17 Feb. 1863.— Hem-y Dyke, b. 21 Sept. 1867.— Hugh Thomas Dyke, b. 20 Sept. 1874— Agnes Dyke.— Mary Emily Dyke.— Han-iet Dyke. — Lucy Alice Dyke. — Elizabeth Dyke. — Emily Rose. [6] Agnes Lucy, m. 3 Aug. 1848, to Arthur Mills, bar.-at-law, (Bart.) AFFLECK, Sir Robert, of Dalham Hall, Suf- folk, D.L. (1782, G.B.), sherifE 1875; s. his brother as Gth Baronet in 1854; b. 28 July, 1805; m. 9 April, 1850, Maria Emily, eldest dau. of Edmund Burton, Esq. of Churchill, Northants. and has had with other issue 3 sons and 5 daus. (1) Robert, b. 4 Mar. 1852. (2) John de Linden, b. 18 July, 1860. (3) Philip Bm-ton, b. 2 Jan. 1862. (4) Katharine Maria, m. 11 Julv, 1878, to Lieut.-Col. Charles AVollaston, late Bengal cavah-y. "He b. 18 Oct. 1806. (5) Anna Maria. (6) Frances Caroline. (7) Helen Affleck. (8) Mary Elizabeth Harriett. Arms (Not recorded at the College of Ai-ms, but the folIoving are used)— Arg., thi-ee bars sa. Crest— An ear of wheat bearded ppr. Motto — Pretiosum quod utile. Seats— Dalham Hall, Suffolk ; Fiugringhoe Hall, Essex. GILBERT AFFLECK, of Dalham Hall, SufEoLk, M.P. Cam- bridge 1722/7, 1737/41 (only surviving son of John Affleck, by Neeltice, dau. of Gilbert Schape, of Amsterdam, merchant) ; m. in AVestminster Abbey, 3 Nov. 1705, Anne, dau. of John Dolben, Esq. (2nd son of John, archbishop of York), and niece of Sir- Gilbert Dolben, Bart, and had 18 childi-en of whom 6 sons and a dau. (1) John, of Dalham Hall, M.P. Suffolk 1743/61, Agmondcs- ham 1767/8 ; b. 12 Feb. 1710; d. 5 Mar. 1774, having m. Sarah, on]y dau. of James Metcalfe, of Roxton, Beds.; she d. 17 Feb. 17(6, having had with other sons, who d. s. p. an eldest son. Sir Gilbert, 2nd Baronet ; b. 24 Dec. 1740 ; d. s. p. 17 July, 1808, having m. 18 July, 179G, Mary, dau. of Thomas Clarke, of New York, widow of Richard Vassal, of Jamaica (by whom she had an only cliild, Elizabeth, m. 1st, to Sir Godfrey Webster, Bart, and 2ndly, to Henry, 3rd Lord Hol- land— ext.); she d. 1835, aged 86. (2) Gilbert, rector of Dalham, left an only dau. (3) James, M... vicar of Finedon, Northants, r.t'. Davcntry and a prebendary of Southwell; b.l8 Aug. 1716; d. Nov. 1784, hav- ing m. 1757, Mary, dau. of Proctor, Esq. of Clay Cotou, Northants; she d. 1772, having had with other issue 2 sous, [1] Sir James, 3rd Baronet, lieut.-gen. in the army and col. 16th dragoons ; b. 29 April. 1759 ; d. unm. 10 Aug. 1833. [2] Sir Robert, s. as 4th Baronet. (4) William, b.d. rector of North Luffenham, Rutland, vicar of Potton, Beds.; b. 30 Oct. 1717; d. 8 .Scpt.l8'J6, leartng by his wife, Catherine, only dau. of Richard Darton, Esq. a son, Gilbert Affleck, of Cavendish HaU, Suffolk, lieut.-col. Suffolk militia; d. 26 April, 1831, lea-i-ing by his 2nd wife, Jane, dau. of Edward Smythies, of Colchester, a son, Gilbert, and a dau. Mary. (5) Sir Edmund, entered the navy; lieut. 1745, and in 1782 rear- admiral of the blue ; was created a Baronet 10 July of that, with remainder to the issue male of his father, in acknow- ledgment of his gallantry in the memorable victory of the preceding 12th of April, obtained by Admiral Sir George Rod- ney over the French squadron under the command of Le Conite de Grasse, where he commanded the van di^^sion, and for which services he also received the tlianks of both houses of Parliament ; roar-admiral of the red 1787, and M.P. Colches- ter 1781/8 (10th son) ; b. 19 April, 1725 ; d. s. p. 19 Nov. 1789, having m. 1st, Esther, dau. of John Ruth, and relict of Peter Creffield; shed. 15 Dec. 1787. He m. 2ndly— 14 May, 1788, Mary, widow of William Smythies, of Colchester. She re-m. July, 1792, to Major John M'Kinnou, 63rd regt. (6) Philip, entered the navy ; Ueut. 1755, rear-admiral of the blue 1787, rear-admiral of the white 1791, vice-admiral of the white 1793, vice-admiral of the red 1794, and finally admiral of the blue ; a lord of the admiralty 1793-5 ; b. 2 May, 172G; d. unm. 22 Dec. 1799. (7) Elizabeth, eldest sirrviving dau. m. 18 Mar. 1737, to Robert Trefusis, Esq. of Trefusis, Cornwall, from whom descended the 17th Lord Clinton. SIR ROBERT, 4th Baronet, Jt.A. Christ Church, Oxon. 1790, vicar of Westow, Yorks. 1796/1833, rector of Tresswell, Notts. 1796/1837, vicar of Doncaster 1807, Silkstone, Yorks. 1817, and prebendary of York 1802; b. 27 Jan. 1765; d. 7 May, 1851, having m. 16 May, 1800, Maria, 2nd dau. of Sir Elijah Impey, Knt. of Newick Park, Sussex, formerly chief justice of Bengal; she d. 12 Mnr. 1825, having had 5 sons and 4 daus. (1) Sir Gilbert, 5th Baronet ; b. June, 1804; d. s. p. Nov 1854, having m. 20 Dec. 1834, Everina Frances, eldest dau. of Francis EUis, Esq. of Bath ; she d. 1 April, 1865, having re-m. — 1 July, 1858, to Rev. WiUiam "Miewell, D.D. master of Trinity College, Cambridge, who d. 6 Mar. 1866. (2) Sir Robert, 6th and present Baronet. (3) James Danbv, jr.A. rector of Dalham, aforesaid, b. 16 Feb. 1810 ; d. 27 Dec. 1862, ha^^ng m. 19 April, 1853, Sophia, of Edward Dj-son, Esq. of Dalham. and had 3 sons and 2 daus. Frederic Danby James, b. 3 Feb. 1856. — Arthm- Edward Highlander, b. 6 Aug. 1857. — Adolphus Reginald, b. 6 Jan. 1862 ; d. 28 Dec. 1863.— Eleanora.— Florence. (4) John ; b. 28 April, 1812; d. mim. 17 Mar. 1869. (5) George Daub}', of Swiuton, Yorks. lord of Mashamshire by devise of Mrs. Danby- Vernon-Harcourt, 11 Mar. 1879, assumed the surname of DAXBT only and the arms quarterly by R.L. 10 Nov. 1879; b. 27 June, 1818; married. (6) Mary Philippa, m. 7 Feb. 1836, to Rev. Thomas Francis Hall, M.A. vicar of Hatfield Broad Oak, Essex, who d. 22 April, 1858. (7) Charlotte, m. 28 Mar. 1854, to Ven. George Glover, M.A. archdeacon of SudbmT, who d. 4 Mav, 1862. (8) Harriett EUzabeth. m. 1st— 23 May, 1829. to John Thomas Bridges, Esq. of St. Nicholas Court, Isle of Thanct, who d. 10 May, 1853. She re-m. 31 Oct. 1854, to Rev. J. E. N. Molesworth, D.D. 'icar of Rochdale (V. MOLESWORTn), who d. 21 April, 1877, aged 87. By her 1st husband she had issue, of whom, [1] Robert Seymour Bridges, ji.d. [2] Marie Elizabeth, eldest dau. m. 22 Aug. 1854, to Guildford Lindsey Molesworth (V. MOI.ESWOUTU). (9) Marian, m. 10 Nov. 1846, to Rev. Samuel Charles, M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge (divorced 16 Dec. 1873), and had 2 sons and 2 daus. (1) Philip Affleck CHARLES, d. 8 Sept. 1878, aged 29. (2) Arthiu-, d. 7 May, 1881, aged 25. S2