Page:The Peerage, Baronetage and Knightage of the British Empire Part 2.djvu/42

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ALISON— ALLEYKE. ilau. of late James Connell ALISOX, Sir Aechibald (18."i2, U.K.), K.C.B., major-gen. in the army.latc 72cl high- landers ; D.Q.M.G. and head intelli- gence department, horse guards. 1878, com. sta£E coll. Sand- hurst 1878 ; late D.A.G. in Ireland, formerly A.A.G. to the division at Al- dershot; s. his father as 2nd Baronet in 1867 ; b. 21 Feb. 1826; m. 18 Nov. l8o8, Jane, only Black, Esq. of Dal- monacb, x.B. and has 2 sons and 4 dans. (1) Arctiibald.lieut. tlie Sherwood Foresters (Derbyshire regt.): b. 20 M.-iV, 1862. (2j Randal Frederick, b. 8 Feb. 1864. (3) Margaret Frances. (5) Geraldine Eugenie. Arms— Az., a bear's head arg. muzzled gu., in chief two fleurs- de-lis or, and in base a fir-tree eradicated of the last. Crest — A hawk's head erased ppr. Motto— Above the crest — Tincit Veritas. Tovrx House- 3, Comvrall Gardens, s.w. (4) Esme Glencairn. (6) Florence Jane. Eittfasf. ALEXANDER ALISOX, of Xew Hall, co. Angus, b. 14 June, 1730; d. 18 Feb. 1794. having m. 18 June, 1754 Margaret Harte, of Lysterick. Midlothwn; she was b. 4 Jan' 1732, and d. 17 July, 1811, having had a son, ARCHIBALD. B.C.L. prebendary of Sarum. rector of Rod- ington, and vicar of High Ercall. both .Salop; b. 13 Kov. 1757 ; d. 17 May. 1839, having m. 19 June, 1782, Dorothea Montague, dau. of John Gregory M.D. (prof, of medicine in Old Town coll. of Aberdeen), by his wife Hon. Elizabeth, dau of 'William 13th Lord Forbes (ROTAL DESCENT). She was b 11 June. 17.54; and d. 17 May, 1839, having had with other issue a son, viz. : SIR ARCHIBALD ALISOX, D.c.L. (younger son), sheriff co Lanark, an eminent lawyer and historian created a Baroxet 2.5 June. 1852 ; b. at Kinley, Palop. 29 Dec 1792 • d 23 May. 18G7, having m. 21 Mar. 1825. Elizateth Glencairn' j-oungest dau. of Lieut.-Col. Patrick Tyler, formerly domg' Scotland ; she d. 5 Oct. 1874, having had 2 sons and "a dau. " " (1) Sir Archibald, 2nd and present Baronet. (2) Frederick Jfontague, lieut.-col. in the army. &c • b 11 M.ay, 1835 ; d. 1 Feb. 1872. ^. , u. ii (3) Ella Frances Catherine, m. 1st— 26 Sept. 1854. to Robert Furgu-sson Esq. of Craigd.irroch, co. Dumfries, and wi ? •n^b'£"l?'^^V lie d. G Oct. 1859 (she re-m. 8 Oct. l«(.l, to Lol. the Hon. James Charlemagne Dormer CB fB DORMER), and has further issue), leaving 2 sons ' • • v • ^l^tlu^l^r^""' '• •'"'^•' l«^^-^'='iibald ALLEYNE, Sir JoHK Gay New- ton (1769, G.B.), vice- president of the Steel and Iron Institute, war- den of Duh-ich College 1845. 51 ; s. his father as 3rd Baronet in 1870; b. 8 Sept. 1820; m. 11 March, 1851, Augusta Isabella, Cth dau. of late Sir Henry Fitz-Her- bert, Bart, of Tissingtou Hall, CO. Derby, and has a son and 7 dans. (1) Rej-nold Hem^ Kewtou, b. 16 May, 1852 ; m. 4 Jan. 1879, Susanna, dau. of John Meyuell, Esq. eldest son of late Godfrey Meynell, of Mey- uell Langley Park, co. Derby. (2) Agnes Rebecca Augusta, m. 7 Sept. 1880, to Frederick Channer, eldest son of Rev. Frederick Corfleld, vicar of Shirley, CO. Derby. (3) Judith, m. 7 Sept. 1880, to William de Burgh Jessop. Esq. of Butterley Hall, co. Derby, and has a dau. b. 25 Aug. 1881. (4) Rebecca Olton. (5) Mary. (6) Grace. (7) Augiista. (8) Katherine Octavia. ABirs- Per chevron gu. and emi., in chief two lions' heads erased or. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet a horse's head arg. Motto— Xon tua te moveant, sed publica vota; or, Kon tua te sed publica vota. Seat— Alleyne Dale Hall, Barbadoes. Residence— Chevin, Belper, Derbyshire. Hincafle. REYNOLD ALLEYNE [3rd son of Richard Alleyne, D.D. rector of Stowting, Kent (d. 1651), who was great- grandson of Richard Alleyne, of Grantham] emigrated to the Barbadoes, acquired a considerable estate there, and named his principal residence Mount Alleyne ; he m. Mary Skeet (she re-m. to Tm-ner, of Three Houses in the Thickets; their great-granddaughter Mary Terril John Alleyne mentione.l below). His grandson. REYNOLD ALLEYNE, of the Four Hills, Barbadoes (2nd son of Abel Alleyne and Elizabeth Denzy), member of the assembly of St. Anch-ews and chief judge of the" Bridge Court m. Elizabeth, dau. and coheii- of John Gay, of Barbadoes and' had with other issue 4 sons, " ' (1) John, of Four HUls, hon. A.M. Magdalen Coll. O.xon. d .It Bath, 1730, having m. 24 Nov. 1718, Marj-, dau. of WilUam' TeiTill (and sole heir of her mother Rebecca, dau. and coheir of Col. Thomas Spire); she d. 1742, having had with 3 daus an only son. Sir John Gay Alleyne, created a Baroxet 6 April 1769 (2) Abel, of Mount Stedfast.d. at Boston, New England having m. Maiy, dau. of Woodbridge, of Kensington, Barbadoes and had with 6 daus. 6 sons. His grandson, ' JOHX Forster Alleyxe, of Barbadoes, president of the council (son of Thomas Allerae and Forster) • b. 1762; d. , having m. Eliza- beth Gibbes, dau. of (? Charies) Willing, of Philadelphia- she d. 12 Feb. 1820, having had 9 sons and 7 daus. of whom ' (1) Haynes Gibbes, b. , 1783 ; d. 23 July 'l813 havmg m. 21 May, 1804, (J«orgiana, dau. of AVilliam Walter Yea, and sister of Sir WilUam Walter Yea, Bart (ext ) of PjTland, Dorset, and had a dau. Georgiaua, m. as 1st -Kite, to George Fursdon Esq of Fursdon, Devon. (2) John Gay, b. , 1785 ; d. 10 Mar. 1821, having m. , Joanna Bishop, and had a d».u. Joanna Bishop, d. 7 July. 1868, having m. 10 Aug. 1836 to Phihp Chetwode, lient. R.x. (Bart.), who d. 1844. (3) James Holder, d. 2 July, 1842, having m. Elizabeth Marv dau. of Joseph Lowe, M.D. of Barbadoes ; she d. 25 Feb 1877' ha ng had 4 sons and 2 daus. ' ' [1] James Holder, d 1862, having m. Louisa, dau. of John Fisher, and had a son, Edward Wentworth Fisher Holder, late W. Somerset ^f?:. "^S^- .fo™eriy lieut. 12th R. lancers ; m. 7 May iSj4, Lmily Ahcia Katharine, youngest dau. of Rev John Dupre Addison, vicar of Weymouth. V i '^°^^^^ ^°^^'e' '^- 1858, having m. Julia, dau of John Holder, Esq. and had 2 sons and a dau [3] Alexander M , d. unm. 1867.