Page:The Peerage, Baronetage and Knightage of the British Empire Part 2.djvu/50

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14 ARMSTRONG— ARJIYTA GE. (3) Robert Keith, vicar of St. James", Eatcliff, since 1880, of St. Luke's, HoUjeach, 1874 80, of Sempriugham 1860/74; b. 10 Aug. 1838; m. 17 July, 1868, Mary Agnes, eldest dau. of Rev. Edward Thomas Vaughau (HALl'ORD), hou. cauon of St. Albans, rural dean, and rector of Harpcnden, and has 3 sons and 2 daus. Robert Edward Vaughan, b. 15 Jan. 1871.— Henry Fitzgerald, b. 16 July, 1873.— Hugh Keith, b. 20 July, 1874.— Geraldine Mary. — Constance :Margaret, b. 3 Mar. 1879. (4) John Alvcs Henrv, officer Bombay ca v.; b. 25 July, 1842; d. 29 June, 1878. (5) Fitzgerald Hay, b. 25 Aug. 1810. (6) Charlotte D'Endc, m. 21 April, 18G3, to Rev. Charles Hall Raikes, vicar of Chittoe, Wilts, and has 2 sons and 3 daus. Arthur Edward Raikks, b. 5 Feb. 1867.— Charles Fitzgerald, b. 26 Oct. 1871. — Madeline Charlotte.— Violet Justina.— Helen Sophia. (7) Henrietta Anne. AEMSTRONG, SiR Edmund Fre- derick (1841, U.K.). of Gallcu rriory, Kiug's Coimty J.P. ; vicar of Bkcirkc, Queen's Co., and incumbcut of Borris iu Ossoiy, rural dean; s. his father as 2ud Barouct in 18t;3; b.27May,183G; m. 1 -IJunc. 1 86.^ . Alice, eldest dau. of W. W, Fisher, Esq.; she d. 8 Dec. 1875, having had 2 sons and 4 daus. (1) Andrew Hai-vey, b. 23 Slay, 18GG. (2) Kcsbitt William, b. 3 July, 1875. (3) Beatrice Frances. (4) Gertrude Adelaide. (5) Constantia Jessie Arm- strong. (6) Katherinc Edith Arm- strong. ARJIS — Arg. issuing from the sinister side a dexter ann habited gu. the hand grasping the trunk of an oak tree eradicated jipr. CREST— An armed arm embowed or grasping an oak tree as in the arms. Motto — Invictus maneo. Residence- Donaghmore Glebe, Ballybrophy, Queen's co. Seat— Gallen Priory, King's co. ILincage. EDMUl^D ARMSTRONG (son of Arthiu- Armstrong), espoused the cause of Charles II. took service in the royal army, and was taken prisoner at the battle of Worcester in 1657 ; after the Restoration he was appointed sheriff for King's CO.; he m. Mary, dau. of W. Hamilton, Esq. of Lisdoony. His great-great-grandson, EDMUND, of Gallen, bar.-at-law ; b. 14 Dec. 1754; d. 12 Dec. 1827, having m. 4 Feb. 1783, Elizabeth, 3rd dau. of Frederic Trench, of WoodUnvn, co. Galway (B. ASUT0W'>') ; she d. 1825, having had with 3 daus. 4 sons, (1) Sir Andrew, created a B.^.roxet. (2) Edmund, 4th dragoons; b. 25 Sept. 1786; d. nmn. at Castel Branco, in Portugal, 1811. (3) Frederick, k.t.s. of Portugal; b. 25 June, 1789; d. num. 1821/31. (4) John, dean of Kilfeuora; b. June, 1791; d. IS June, 1856, having m. 25 July, 1822, Ellen, dau. of Jacob Willan, Esq. of Carrighill, co. Dublin, and had 8 sons and 5 daus. (aU in AustraUa), [1] Edmund Asbtown, b. 5 July, 1823.— [2] Andrew, b. 21 Feb. 1829.— [3] John Kelly, b. 1 Nov. 1832.— [4] Frederick WiUiam, b. 12 Jmie, 1834.— [5] William.— [6] Charle-^.— [7] Edwai-d.— [8] .—[9] Katherine.— [10] Constanti? Maria.— [11] Fanny.— [12] EUen. [13] EUzateth Patriceua, m. 1877, to her cousin George Alexander, 2nd son of Sir Andrew Armstrong, Bart. SIR ANDREW, of Gallen, King's co. capt. King's co. militia high sheriff 1811 and 1836, receiver-gen. of stamp dutie=' in Ireland, created a Baronet 18 Sept. 1841; b. 19 Oct. 1786- d. 27 Jan. 1863, having m. 1 Jan. 1835, Frances Fullerton, dau' of George Alexander (Downing) Fullerton, Esq. of Westwood, Hants, and of Ballintoy Castle, co. Antrim, and had with other issue 5 sons and 4 daus. (1) Sir Edmund Frederick, 2nd and present Baronet. (2) George Alexander, b. 5 Dec. 1843 ; m. 1877, his cousin Elizabeth Patriccna, youngest dau. of Very Kev. Johu Arm- strong, dean of Kilfenora. (3) Andrew Charles, lieut. 2nd rcgt. (retd.);b. 5 Feb. 1845. m. 6 Feb. 1874, Alice ^Maria, youngest dau. of Sir Thomas William Clinton Murdoch, K.c.Ji.G. ; she d. 13 Jan. 1881, having had a sou and 3 daus. of whom Maj-y Anne Katherine. — Mildred Amy. (4) Montagu Doyly Fullerton, b. 8 Mar. 1852; m. 3 April, 1873, Florence Angelica Sophia, dau. of late Charles John Proby, coii.sul at Florence (E. CarysfoRT). (5) Charles Nesbitt Frederick, b. 25 Jan. 1858. (6) Mary Ann Ehzabeth, m. 30 ilay, 1865, to Rev. Edward Witliington, M.A. Oxon. (yomigest son of Thomas Ellames Withington.Esq. of Culchcth, Lane), formerly curate of Rust- iugton, Sussex, and has 2 sons and a dau. Frederick Edward WnniXGTOX. b.l9 Feb. 1869.— Archibald Edward, b. 28 Oct. 1870.— Edith Mary. (7) Frances Georgina, m. 3 Nov. 1864, to John Alexander Bell, of Gimboa, Darling Downs, Queensland, and has a son and 2 daus. Mannaduke Alexander BELL, b. 10 Oct. 1867.— Frances Sarah. — (Jeorgina Emma. (8) Constantia Miiry Anne, m. 22 Sept. 1868, to Rev. Ecker- sall Nixon, B.A. incumbent of Dromtarriffe, co. Cork, chaplain to late Duke of Leinstcr, formerly vicar of Aghmacart, and has 2 sons and 2 daus. Frederic Eckcrsal NiXOS.b. 29 Sept. 18G9.— Edward Atcher- loy Eckersall, b. 12 July, 1878.— Stella Frances Eliza.— Con- stantia Agnes. (9) Agnes Blanche Catherine Fullerton, d. num. 7 Feb. 1880. ARMY T AGE, Biu George, Bart. (1738, G.B.), of Kir-klees, Yorks ; s. his grandfather as 5th Baronet in 183C; b. 3 Aug. 1819; in. 1 June, 1841, Eliza Matilda Maiy, 2nd dau. of Sir Joseph Eadcliffe, Bart, of Eudtliug Park, Y'orks. and has had with other issue 3 sons, (1) George John. b. 26 -.-v lUA^ ■ April, 1842 ; m. 11 May, ^^ ^tCV^ I l*^!' EUen, eldest dau. of late Rev. Ayscough Fawkes, of Famley Hall, Yorks, and has 2 sons, and a dau. (Jeorge Ayscough, b. 2 Mar. 1872. — John Hawksworth, b. 19 May, 1873.— Edith Beatrice, b. 4 Jan. 1881. (2) Arthur Henry, capt. R.A. 1878; b. 27 Aug. 1845 ; m. 24 June, 1879, Katharine Harriet, 2nd dau. of late Ralph Creyke, Esq. of RawcliflEe and Marton, Yorks. (3) Francis Reginald, bar.-at-law, I.T. 1873; b. 9 July, 1849. ARMS — Gu., a lion's head erased between three cross-crosslets arg. Crest — A dexter arm embowed habited or, cuffed arg. holding in the hand ppr. a staff gu. headed and pointed gold. MOTTO — Semper paratus. Seat — Kirklees Park, near Brighouse, Yorkshire. Town House— 27, Cambridge Square, Hyde Park, W. iLincage. WILLIAM ARMYTAGE, living temp. Edward Y1. .ind according to the pedigree attested by Henrj' St. George. Norroy king of arms. 2 Feb. 1637, said to be descended from John Armytage, of Wrigbowls, co. Lincoln, temp. K. Stephen; he m. Catherine, dau. of Henry Beaumont of Cross- and. Yorks. His grandson, JOHN ARMYTAGE, of Kirklees, Yorks. (West Riding) treasurer w-ith Sir Robert Swift for lame soldiers, 41-2 Elizabeth. His vrdX dated 16 June, 1606, and proved at York